Blue Monkey Network at Towner
Thursday, September 20, 2012
College Road, Eastbourne, BN21 4JJ
South East England

Blue Monkey Network’s Unfinished Business provides an opportunity for artists to focus on areas of their practice which are under review, developing or unfinished. It might mean a chance to undertake a piece of research for presentation to the group, to discuss a text, another artist’s work or exhibition, or to show and talk about work in progress. It offers an opportunity to talk about anything which affects your practice and is unresolved or up for debate. This month artist, Pat Thornton presents new work for discussion. With influences from Gerhard Richter to Richard Billingham, Pat’s figurative paintings are informed by drawing and photography, sometimes found images or mobile phone images. For some time Pat has been preoccupied by images of protest from Libya, Bahrain and Syria. She says, “Images of protesters running, shouting, often in extremis, intrigue me and I have tried through my work to inspect what it is that compels me to look.”