Merrily mingling, all happily swanning round the flower bed, petals and leaves gently fluffed up in the breeze. It’s a time for celebration, their buds have all opened in synchronicity and they’re simply delighted to be together, discovering the beauty […]
Blushing in a variety depths of pinkish hues, these blooms feel like they’ve opened quite by accident today. No-one told them that the sun would be shining quite so merrily, and these lovelies have found themselves literally ‘in the pink’ […]
Can anyone point me in the right direction of home insurance that takes into account my studio space. I occasionally run workshops from home, it is a business and I’m finding ordinary home insurance wont do.
Layers and lines From a purely visual, aesthetic standpoint I’m happy with how the work looks. I like the forms and lines, the wrapped lines and the drawn lines. I like the grouping and the spacing. I like the soft, […]
Dancing the dance of their whole existence on the stage of all lives, these blooms embrace only wild abandon as their mantra. Wild Abandon (collage and acrylic paint on mounted canvas board, 30x30cm) available click for purchase info (Artquest […]
Hello, I have public liability insurance with a-n. I sell my art as prints/ cards/ etc at stalls, do small exhibitions, and plan to post my art should anyone request it. I’m not a big time artist (yet!), but I […]
Claire Bishop’s book ‘Disordered Attention: How to Rethink Contemporary Spectatorship’ talks about how shifting forms of audience attention have shaped contemporary art. The opening chapter on ‘research-based art’ considers how the trend for information-overloaded archival and document-driven work, welcome during […]
Hello a-n community, I hope to garner some advice regarding a rather unique copyright/IP situation I’ve found myself in. It pertains to a motif/logo that I designed as part of an artist residency I did over 14 years ago. The […]
Newhampton Arts Centre is looking for an experienced fundraiser to join our executive team at this exciting time in our capital redevelopment programme.
Since 1993, Fundación Botín has awarded Art Grants each year, aimed at artists of any nationality. Each grant provides funding of 23,000€ and promotes and supports those artists who need resources to carry out a research project or training.
Blithely bouncing along to their own rhythm. At first glance, it’s a nature-instigated one of breeze and sunshine, but these blooms have an unique cadence as they hum and bop to melodies only clear to them. Stop. Listen. Close your […]
Social Art Publications (SAP) is an independent volunteer-led publishing house that is dedicated to developing a portfolio of publications to cultivate, expand, and promote knowledge in and around social practice. We are able to do this through offering a reduced fee ISBN.
Southampton Pride in partnership with GO! Southampton, John Hansard Gallery, City Eye are seeking expressions of interest from artists, designers, illustrators based in the UK for artworks raising awareness of HIV/AIDS.