The Secret Circus – Pride Special @ Church!
Ullet Road Unitarian Church -
July 31, 2022 at 07:00 PM -
North West England
Rachael Disbury on Caroline Wendling’s Archipelago
In the weeks since my last blog I feel as if I have been emotionally thrown backwards and forwards like a ball on a parcel shelf in car that continuously takes corners too fast. I have managed to complete a […]
The curator me I am an independent South Asian Artist Curator. My curatorial approach begins with ‘Art’ as a catalyst and framework for the organic process which invites creative practice, theory and collective conversation to allow for happenings. For me, […]
A meet up to draw together in Woking, Surrey
Thoughts about projects I’m working on.
Introducing the people who work for a-n.
I have got to the stage in my career where I am selling my paintings, largely through word of mouth, selling on pub walls, Artweeks and Instagram. I’m ready to go to the next level and be more professional. The […]
I need to test myself. And drawing at the circus seemed a good idea at the time. It was hard. Harder than I thought I would be. I remember circuses as a child being lit up inside the big top. […]