Many Piper Wings
City Lit Gallery -
July 04, 2022 -
July 07, 2022 -
I chose to stay at the Flamingo Motel because (a) it was cheap, (b) I liked the name, and (c) it had a huge pink neon flamingo sign outside. What’s not to like? But in one of those moments of […]
Exhibition highlights from across the UK featuring a-n members, including Walker & Bromwich in Perth and sculpture in Chichester Cathedral.
Virtual permanent exhibition set in the virtual Cold War bunker. Accessible from any computer, tablet and smartphone, also in VR mode.
Have you encountered a block like writers block but with your making? What did you do about it?
My great aunt from Holland used to own a small haberdashery. I’ve inherited several reels of: cotton and embroidery thread, elastics, needles, ribbons…..; just what you would expect from a contemporary haberdashery minus the antique labels. Among the plethora of […]
So here are some of my twigs… results of the playing so far: Six boxes/seed trays. They are crudely made, rough sawn and I really like them. They are functional and any beauty is in the basic material, not the […]
I am a mature artist looking for a mentor. I work in paint, print and textiles. Any suggestions??
A report highlighting the impact and challenges for the visual arts sector in the first year of operations following the UK’s departure from the EU.