So You Think You Are Safe In The Woods
Centrespace Gallery -
May 13, 2022 -
May 18, 2022 -
South West England
Design classics aplenty An amazing visit to the Computer History Museum, where the evolution of the Digital Age is carefully and thoroughly explained. Every conceivable widget is included too, making for an epic retro-design encounter too. Computing is rapidly becoming […]
Seven bizarre animal facts that I don’t yet know what I’ll do with Each tiger has individual stripe patterns Tarsiers have eyes the same size as their brains A seals’ flipper resembles human fingers Corals are animals Cow urine is […]
I don’t like to tempt fate so I confess that didn’t start my previous post as I should have. “I hope to Ieave tomorrow” would have been more accurate. Because I could not upload my negative Covid test (“unable to […]
One of the things that make me personally follow an Instagram account is the way the feed looks. Of course, the content or the theme of the account is really important, but many percent of the audience tends to like […]
My work has never been overtly political. I often touch on issues almost accidentally as I go about processing my world, and those issues fall more easily into social statement rather than political activism. A few posts ago I wrote […]
As part of my Professional Practice Two module, I will be looking in depth at NFT’s, social media platforms and trying to understand how they function to promote artists work. When I first heard about NFT’’s I thought they were […]
Passport – check ✅ Tickets – check ✅ Sanity – still checking… I leave tomorrow for Silicon Valley! I am excited and nervous in equal measure: previous lockdowns and world events have conspired to make me more cautious than usual […]
180 artists and freelancers working in the visual arts have been awarded a share of £246,882.
Highlighting work by a-n members including Katie Paterson and Ryan Gander’s glass commissions in Sunderland, plus drawing in Dundee.
Recent work produced for the upcoming Back of an Envelope Show, helps me to evaluate my work process.
It struck me the other day that I currently share a certain characteristic with vampires – I have no reflection. ’That’s silly and a really bad pun’ I told myself almost immediately that the thought crossed my mind. But the […]
There’s been a gap. A drawing gap, that is. Well, not completely. I went away and before going had to finish 3 articles, so my drawing practice, sadly had to be put aside. It hurts when I have to do […]
I really like using unfired clay in my work, I’ve been exploring more of the process of drawing with clay. Using a knife to cut through the clay and leaving the markings on the canvas, knowing that when I peel […]
A recent painting capturing visible and invisible light. Exhibited at The Museum of Lincolnshire Life, LN1 3LY, until the end of August 2022.
Joint exhibition with Helen Field at Bowery Visual Arts
Review of Hockney’s Eye – The Art and Technology of Depiction