Insert Yourself
May 06, 2022 -
May 22, 2022 -
North West England
Recently The Metaverse has been bothering me. There’s a lot of chat about it in Virtual Reality circles, but I think scaring people with suggestions of strangers in vibrating pants is a bit alarmist. We need more good people in The Metaverse. Please join the good guys.
The problem with being a prolific maker, and rare seller, is storage. My studio isn’t huge, but it’s bigger than some. There’s room for me to make large drawings on the table, and also for a music table in the […]
One year ago today, on April 25, 2021, art journalist Georgina Adam interviewed Francesca Bellini-Joseph on her new professional development education platform for the art world. Read the full interview here.
Yesterday over lunch in the little (half) kitchen beside the studio Mireia said something that set me thinking: you work with layers. As I sat here sewing, as I was driving home last night, as I made dinner, as […]
Jenny Eden and Amy Winstanley discuss Clarice Lispector’s Aqua Viva
That moment in the evening Coming back from nowhere in particular Thinking about nothing at all The cars line the streets And the street stretches ahead The lights are not yet on Yet there is an eerie glow Spreading slowly […]
A community project working in collaboration with artist Carole Miles, exploring the notion of where you feel you belong or what you always longed to be.
A collection of diverse artwork in glass cabinets, featuring Kevan Cadman, Neath Champion-Shorr, Ken Horne, Tair Rafiq, Uzma Rani, Teresa Sayner, with Paul Evans
when you can’t do anything but bite your own hand tender_ space…
Had another evening with the Radio Public bunch yesterday. I am finding it reassuring being in company during the moments of “What the hell am I doing?” Trusting my own process in my own studio is one thing, but having […]
Starting to think about the presentation that I have to make next week for a short course (can two half days really be called a ’course’ at all?). I do not know where to start, this morning while washing up […]
Review by Dr Craig Jordan-Baker. ‘Hidden in Plain Site’ explores how trace memories of human trauma, personal and collective, are embodied within our built environment. Curated by the multi-media artists Veronica Slater and Litza Jansz.
I am going to look at analytics and see how I can make my posts more successful on my Instagram account. Firstly I need to understand what they are. Analytics: Its the analysis of data and statistics It is understanding […]