Plant Communitas
Museum in the Park, Stroud -
April 02, 2022 -
April 24, 2022 -
South West England
Exhibitions by a-n members Barbara Walker and Clémentine Bedos, plus an International Women’s Day celebration in Southampton.
Hi there, I can see that I have current membership and insurance. I have looked but can’t find my insurance online. Can you help me please? Many thanks Maureen Mc Ghee Membership Number 40022141
Good morning, crew AN! Us, artists… Well, we can be a bit lame when it comes to completing a creation sans deadlines. The Hybrid Art Journal has a deadline, a fairly fixed deadline, Spring 2022 …I say ‘fairly’ as we […]
Hi all! I’m relatively new to Artist Network and instead of a post about me, I thought I’d see if anyone was willing to give their thoughts on offering work or services for free – to be clear, I’m not […]
I want a lot from it. And sometimes it is the only thing that makes sense. Drawing, for me at least, is a true thing, an authentic thing. It goes beyond thinking, and that is its pleasure for me. I […]
Turning our attention towards Scalloway village centre now, we return past The Booth and down the steps and round what I initially thought was a water tower (it’s actually the sewerage plant!): There are steps down to the sea just […]
these are maquettes for working towards a public space sculpture proposal project that I’m hoping to realise in the non to long future. Follow the link to see PDF proposal:
a series of designs for public sculptures by Franko B
Working on DYCP blog.
I start with a nursery rhyme, and my dishevelled train of thought circles round to Deleuze and those very useful rhizomes… The reason this bit of Deleuze thinking stuck with me while doing my MA is that it felt familiar. […]
‘Into the quiet’/ ‘I mewn i’r tawelwch’ Seeing that some areas of previously snow filled landscapes are now changed completely with the advent of warmer temperatures, snow, in itself, has somehow become more precious (to those who enjoy it particularly). […]