first time working with a gelli plate only had water based printing inks foraged some leaves from the garden assortment of paper. before began felt nervous during the process was in flow at lunch i felt disappointed in what i […]
Development work and final pieces from my residency and exhbition. With thanks to Suzanne Golden, Peter Bonnell and Dr Maddie Groom of Backlit Galley, Derby Quad and the Institute of Mental Health respectively.
Artists Talk at Tate Liverpool – RIBA North building 25th September 2024. Artists – Sonia Boue, Becky Beasley, Peirce Starre with Professor Claire Penketh as chair. I have recently treated myself to a railcard which made the journey […]
A short video tour of the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize exhibition. My silverpoint drawing, ‘Displaced Portrait No19 (Dezember 1919)’, has been selected for the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize. Here is a brief video tour of the exhibition (please […]
I don’t have a very big studio – in fact it is quite small as studios go and it is crammed to the gills with materials, artwork and necessary furniture. This means that I have to be quite considered when […]
I know I’m a bit of a purist. I am a multi-disciplinary artist, but I am not a mixed media artist. I like my drawings to be pencil OR ink, not both together. If I use watercolour with my drawings, […]
a humbling weekend, a realisation of just how on the edge i was mentally. to have gotten through that has left me smaller and more real. two years of attempting a research degree application has helped me to realise i […]
Hi does anyone know where the membership number is stored. many thanks Angie Wickenden
The power of objects … ‘Here today …’ was the title of a piece of work I made in memory of my late grandmother. It included a used powder compact and eyeshadow, alongside a 1930s hand mirror on a bedside […]
It’s been a difficult time. But at last I’m painting again…. it began with this funny little painting…… Just a very simple watercolour view. Having sat in my studio worrying how to begin I just drew and then painted precisely […]
I am travelling home with a suitcase full of vintage sequins and probably not far shy of one hundred meters of hat wire. There is adequate room for them in my case as I travelled with clothes that I could […]
Hi, I’m Helen Fox .im a sewing enthusiast
Ive just retired from 40 years teaching Textiles and Art