It’s nearly five months since I’ve written here which means that it’s five months since someone responded to one of my tweets in which I promoted my last blog post, alongside the image above (a detail from my ‘Sweet Nothings’ […]
I find myself playing with scale again. On the walls of the studio are large drawings with bold broad brushstrokes of ink and watercolour. The lines drawn follow the contours of drying paint puddles, and the texture of the heavy […]
A long-term, long-form blog brings many rewards… in amongst those rewards are friends that you might never have otherwise met, through conversations held online, over many years. You get to know them, and their work, and a little bit about […]
Yestarday we had another sucesfull, informative and inspiring online event. We’ve heard from BeeTime, Onyx Baird and Piotr of TreeBeekeepers Bee Time is an art and research collective creating contexts for knowledge exchange and regenerative practices inspired by the systems […]
The last day of this year’s residency. Three weeks have flown by too quickly. This is the shortest time I have spent at the Ness of Brodgar but on the other hand it is my first time away from home […]
Light and Sound event at Warstone Lane Cemetery, Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham
Many hands helping with cleaning the floor for Drone photography in Structure 10. Meanwhile the cinema in a hut has been taking shape for tomorrow’s world premiere for the archaeologists. Pictures of the event tomorrow.
Making Sounds I have always enjoyed playing with sounds, harmonising my voice with the microwave, tapping out rhythms on the table and beatboxing to myself when no one was around. I used to take a harmonica with me whenever I […]
What I like about this exhibition is that when you enter the gallery and see the entrance to the domes with the rainbow snake/ the Serpent of Paradise that weaves into the distance, then you feel you are at the […]
MVI also hosts weekly evolving programme of exhibitions within the gallery from regional and international artists responding the themes within the Multispecies Visionary Institute exhibition. more about the programme can be found here: The programme was commenced with […]
On Saturday the 17th of July we took a wonderfully informative and inspiring walk with Mark Shipperlee, a local woodsman and permaculture designer. Mark brought along fellow well informed, passionate tree experts Abby Fowler and Dave Trafford. We looked at […]
On Thursday the 15 July, we successfully hosted first of online events titled: ‘The Power of Plants, the Future of Earth’. Tonight we have another event: check it out/ book here: How Like a Bee with Bee Time, Treebeekeepers Brotherhood & […]
This morning it dawned on me that I might have had the emphasis on the wrong syllable (as my old German teacher used to say). Suppose it is not the listening to the Swedish language on the radio that is […]
Today the wind has dropped to a modest breeze – but as a result the clouds are almost static making the sky an overall light grey with just an occasional glimpse of blue. So while the normal strong winds create […]
hello world. andrew here from the meanwhile space in derby, a part of the on going work by eaststreet projects in derby. before we get too far into the project a quick mention of how a meanwhile space might become […]
a residency made possible by the work of eaststreet arts in a meanwhile space in derby with a taylored programme of artist support.
Most of the day was spent gathering materials to convert a small hut on site into a cinema for Friday’s world premiere of my film about the Ness of Brodgar. This afternoon I made it into Structure 10 for a […]
Three long-form, long-term a-n Bloggers reflect on their blogs.
An account about my flat, painted ceramics representing aspects of my life