ART // TECH // PLAY LIVE: Wordplay
Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge -
November 20, 2024 at 06:00 PM -
East England
November 2025 Exhibition of Julija Greaves new paintings all welcome Nottinghamshire
Something has shifted in my art practise. It’s influenced by what’s happening in my life I’m sure. Having for a few years ignored my daughters claims that I’m going deaf, I agreed to have a hearing test only to be […]
All invited to the RE-VIEW exhibition where I’ll be showing new work with 25 other artists responding to the RE-VIEW residency process. The preview is the evening of Friday 25 October at the new Hull Artist Research Initiative space. More […]
October brings a new quality of light as the seasons change and nature sheds it’s summer-hued coats. To relish the differing light that nature brings us, my Boldbrush contest entries for this month are selected from those in my Cloud […]
This morning, after writing about performing, I find myself back at the start, with my lyrics writing notebook. I’ve written a couple of things this morning. One is a bit rubbish, but the idea will probably resurface in a better […]
For this post I just want to concentrate on music and performance. As a band we have had a couple of experiences recently that have been really great, that have made us feel very positive about our musical efforts and […]
I had an email off Elena Thomas the other day regarding comments on all of our blog posts. Not realising they are there that is. I hope that now that Elena has intervened and queried the problem, the matter will […]
A review of ‘Super Fun Tyre’, an exhibition of work from Stuart Robinson at Falmouth’s disused Ships and Castles leisure pool – By Robin Dowell
Here’s some of my paintings and a link to my website / insta if you want to find out what I’m up to! www.laurakedzlieart.com www.instagram.com/laurakedzlieart