Strange Facts Worth Inquiring Into
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June 17, 2021 at 06:30 PM -
South East England
Today was a convenient start as the campsite I was staying at was just across the road. However, I don’t know whether it was the thought of the forecast heat of the day and another relatively long run (18 miles), […]
George is not progressing as well as I expected! Also, I feel like some of the realisations I’ve had about the work / project – could potentially be compromised by some similar work by someone else….This has brought up some […]
Taiwan Pavilion, London Design Bienniale open daily until June 27th
This month’s online life drawing session was Klimt-themed from the St Ives School of Painting. Our Tutor, Tom Rickman had organised a fabulous series of poses with Kerry, our model. It felt as if I hadn’t used pastels for such a long […]
Although I am mainly known as a curator and writer I have recently returned to performance practice in this video, first done at New Performance Turku in 2019 and then in AMRO, Linz and Piksel, Bergen, in 2020. Photo by […]
Feeling pretty exhausted after what turned out to be a 22 mile run! I knew it was going to be close to that so it wasn’t surprising, but the last couple of miles seemed relentless! Overall, it was a good […]
“I am interested in words that have multiple meanings, multiple ways of being interpreted. I like to use a word that can be both a verb and a noun. Baffle means to bewilder or perplex, but it’s also a restraint to block noise.” Henry Ward
Image description: Sonia Boue is a white middle aged woman, wearing a black jumper and black rimmed glasses. She has short cropped hair and the photograph shows her using a brush and mirror set which has been collaged with photographs […]
At the end of Day 7 and at 121.87 miles, I’m at the half way point. This time next week and I’ll be done! Amazingly I don’t feel too worse for wear, which is just as well. I do feel […]
Today was another long stretch, which I was feeling a little nervous about, given that the weather was set to be warm again. However, I had had good sleep and breakfast. Having already exprienced a similar distance on day 3, […]
The untitled Adelante groups show (very discretely) opens today. No fanfare, no vernissage but an article in the county newspaper – I have to wait until Monday to read that at work … or should I buy a copy […]
Today’s run was quite mixed. I didn’t sleep too well, due to an evening coffee and muscle twinges in my feet, and woke up to light rain. The latter wasn’t entirely surprising as it had been forecast for the previous […]
Date: 10/06/21 Time: 6 – 8 pm BST Please register here: BBB link: About this event In our first June instalment we’ll look at Scribus, a page layout program. This is aimed at all who are interested in Free software tools […]
As I listen to the developing songs, sometimes as I draw, and sometimes as I write, they seep into my mind and body. Then they seep back out again. The songs are mostly about people and their circumstances, their relationships […]
Continuing my strategy of uploading images before writing, so there’s something to see.. I was a little concerned before starting today’s run as I woke up with a still niggling pain in my right heel, which was very tender. I […]