2020 bursary – different does not mean less.
Changes to my 2020 bursary plans.
Changes to my 2020 bursary plans.
Stop, start, stop, start, hesitate, consider, wonder, decide, change, update, progress. That could describe this past year with pandemic lockdowns and it has been stressful. However, due to the a-n Artists Bursary and Arts Council of Wales National Lottery Good […]
I’ve drawn some more drawings of pots (initially fish bowls) with stems coming out. On the Research in Practice module, I’ve started analysing colour of a sculpture Shani’s created. Along with the depictions of body parts (hands and eyes) within […]
The next idea I have for my work is to create a mural in my space in the studio at university. I look to fill the whole walls with paint and colour, like I did for ‘Transcend the Cube’ (2021) […]
I’ve been focusing on Research in Practice more than the studio work this week. There was feedback from last week was to bring forward the structure from Research and Practice and apply it to the studio work, which is unstructured […]
I have failed. Admitting it is both a relief and shock. I am not used to failing at things but in this case there is no getting around it. It is quite a spectacular fail too – so I feel […]
Shared Visual Experiences and Thinking Through Art is abbreviation for SVETTA Art Club for NHS staff working at Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Foundation Trust Rushing along the project timeline keeps creative thinking at the sharp edge. Days are full of sketches, […]
After my feedback with Catinca 12/03/21, I projected To Bite first at uni in my studio 17/03/21, but they weren’t as successful due to the bright lighting. I used this as an experimentation, using the walls to create different perspective of the […]
For information on how to submit work for this month long miniature art exhibition across several dolls house galleries under the Small House Gallery banner planned for August, visit: https://www.a-n.co.uk/jobs/small-house-gallery-summer-open/
Abandoned fishing gear makes up most of the plastic pollution in some parts of the world’s oceans and seas, killing and injuring more than 100,000 whales, dolphins, seals, and turtles a year.
Four Generations, a single image. I gave three of my relatives the task to draw a nuffield tractor free hand. The youngest participant who was 7 gave no qualms and just got on withdrawing it to the best of her […]
hi nick wow ! what a few weeks it’s been – the what next summit has taken me to places that i probably wouldn’t have experienced without it. now as the virtual dust settles i’m going to take a moment to […]
a) There are times when you are working on a “project” (funded or otherwise) when you wonder what the hell you are doing. b) There are times when you are working on a “project” (funded or otherwise) when you feel […]
nearing the completion of both the work in the museum and the non linear project, i’m sitting with an emerging sense of capturing the last throws of the building / recant phase – ahead of the opening. when i say […]
Dear all, We are delighted to invite you to the first Libre Graphics Club event on 29/03/21 from 6:30-8pm GMT. Looking forward to seeing you there! To register, please follow this Eventbrite link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/libre-graphics-club-pilot-intro-event-tickets-147232591645 Come join us and help co-create […]
The question of where I fit has been rattling around again. Over the last few months various things have made me wonder about this – a rather wide range of things actually. I think that I survive (or at least […]
The Whitechapel Gallery’s upcoming retrospective – Eileen Agar: Angel of Anarchy – curated by Laura Smith, was the first time I had heard the name of this artist. Considering she was a female surrealist, and the historical tendency towards muting […]
Listening beneath the bog. I have spent a few visits sitting quietly with the moss. Training myself to listen and allowing myself to imagine the unseen landscape beneath the bog. When the sky is grey there is a softness. On […]
The arrival of the Snow Moon left a thin layer of ice on the moss. There was a stillness but a clarity to the light which illuminated the pools and the grasses. Sitting quietly I could see vapour rising gently […]
Visiting Place Number 18483 by Dr Sarah Robinson I have just walked around Lake Richmond, Western Australia. A heritage listed site because of the rare and critically endangered freshwater thrombolites; microorganisms that resemble the earliest life on Earth. The water […]
Under the Microscope by Dr Sarah Robinson The arctic snow is showing signs of getting darker as black carbon particles fall to earth while the snow and ice becomes redder with Chlamydomonas nivalis algae blooms. The cellular mechanisms for these […]
Dr Sarah Robinson is a transmedial artist whose practice is concerned with technical perception and digital technologies’ affect on contemporary printmaking. This is the first post of many (I hope) which will begin the research dialogue between myself, Sarah and […]