Page 207 – a-n The Artists Information Company
Final thoughts (for the time being).
At the height of my enthusiasm for the deep map of Bwlch y Ddeufaen I had a major installation planned: the long map on one wall; the “data” displayed as numbers and text overlapping on transparent paper, framed and assembled […]
Over 70 years of painting and still going!
A lifetime with many highs and setbacks, with a gap programming computers for a large food manufacturer to earn some money and a pension!
Can any fellow artists help me with a query regarding customs duty.
I’m an artist based in Northern Ireland with very limited experience of selling online. I have a potential customer in Great Britain who is interested in purchasing one of my paintings. I’ve been trying to get my head around how […]
Libre Graphics Club is a GO! Preparations started.
Group tutorial notes 10/2/21
(Via Microsoft Teams) Identify with what it is with the artists you research Reed diffusers Wilt – loses woodiness, not rigid Similar to distorting metal in the last semester Material quality understood as wood Surreal occurrence The one with perfume […]
30 Paintings in 30 Days, Day 10: Delicate Confetti
A gentle spring breeze weaves it’s way down the street. The tendrils from my window boxes lift and sway as luscious petals float across my window like delicate confetti landing on wedding passers-by. Delicate Confetti (mixed media painting on box […]
Professional Practice 2
Professional practice 2 module blog. This blog will be reviewing other artists’ blogs, social media, websites and other platforms. This will help me develop my own practice and gain an understanding of what works for me as a practitioner.
Bettina Fung sums up the group’s reflection on this study period and includes some more of her thoughts. We held a reflection session after our bursary supported study period and bounced off ideas for our next step, which is still […]
Conversation in Print
For our final meeting, we decided to have a more in-depth conversation about the things we had been discussing and did this through a live interview/writing session in a Gdoc. It was a really nice way of speaking, listening and […]
Free Legal and tax helpline for a-n members
A new helpline providing legal and tax advice to members.
Legal and tax helpline for a-n members
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Instagram Live! @lauraharrislondon
Instagram -
February 11, 2021 at 07:00 PM -
South East England
BA-LF Peer Learning Group – Bursary Experience Recap and What’s Next :)
Dear a-n blog readers. As the Artists Make Change – Peer Learning Group (PLG) Bursary comes to an end, it is time for the Bristol Artist-Led Forum (BA-LF) to resume and reflect upon this extremely valuable opportunity we are grateful […]
What really happens when your Instagram account is hacked and how to get it back
The true story of an artist’s recent experience of falling victim to a phishing campaign, how to avoid falling into a similar trap and what to do if and when it happens.
30 Paintings in 30 Days, Day 9: Gleaming Rays
Low bright sunshine is warming the bricks and enticing the leaves on my plants to reach for those last gleaming rays. The courtyard outside looks clear now and I’m looking forward to raising a glass to the end of another […]
Beyond the Boundaries
Online @undertowprojects @mafineartucafarnham -
March 02, 2021 -
March 21, 2021 -
Across UK
Reflections on the first meeting, supassed my expectations as I didnt have any. I, and then between us determined a constructed space where within there was only a framework of support and no predetermined outcome. Freed from the objective of […]
Come To The Table February 2021
Via zoom -
February 18, 2021 at 12:00 AM -
Queering Spaces – exhibition opening
Online and at The Ledward Centre, Brighton -
February 13, 2021 -
March 13, 2021 -
South East England
30 Paintings in 30 Days, Day 8: Petal Slippers
That’s me in the corner, all cosied up in my petal slippers. Slippers that seem to grow of their own accord, providing both warmth and protection as they colourfully wend their way wherever the mood takes them. Petal Slippers (mixed […]
Preparing for screen printing
I’ve learnt the basics of turning images to bitmaps and separating the colours of images last night, in preparation for screen printing at the SoA. I’ve separated the image I made last semester into cyan, magenta, yellow and black in […]
* 08/02/21 Interim Exhibition ‘Congruous’: Editing group film/reflections
I pieced together the film on the 05/02/21 for my group and our exhibition followed by a group crit on the film. We’re still in need of stills/final films from everyone, but it was good to see these images/pieces of […]
Snipping the Safety Net…
I found I was tying myself in. It is way too soon to be doing that, but in some ways I have found it reassuring. If it all goes pear-shaped tomorrow, I have work that will be ok to produce […]
30 Paintings in 30 Days, Day 7: Twitchy Eyebrows
Feeling a bit old today, but these bright blooms bring cheer to my heart, lifting those too-twitchy eyebrows from their furrowed state. Twitchy Eyebrows (mixed media painting on canvas board, 20x20cm/8″x8″) Shop: Lynne Forrester, Artist: Twitchy Eyebrows