In the fading light on a December afternoon, Fraisia, Dan and Anna met at the Hotwells Piazza in Bristol to discuss how doughnut economics could apply to an artists’ network and how that could specifically relate to our community art […]
We speak to Maria Hatling about what inspired her a-n at 40 logo design, her painting practice and what she’s been up during a tumultuous 2020.
We speak to Maria Hatling about what inspired her a-n at 40 logo design, her painting practice and what she’s been up during a tumultuous 2020.
Finally got my new website up and running.
I don’t know if I’m quite ready to do the end of year review… but in preparation I have glanced through my year of blogging to get a feel for the year. There are the obvious Covid-19 related things, but […]
Reflection 15/03/21: This upcoming period until beginning of Jan was an experimental period, I felt confused with where to go next with film but this helped me zone into projection into the aspects of Mulvey’s essay of the male gaze […]
Bobby Bakers show, Diary Drawings, is a exceptional look into mental health over the past 3 decades. An observant approach to broach a subject that has long been buried. With deteriorating mental health in the mid 1990s, Baker was admitted […]
After my formative assessment with Jane, I wanted to continue the exploration of performative art as the feedback was so successful from my group crit 20/11/20. Hannah Wilke did this in her performative work I researched last year L5 which impacted […]
In the context of the gallery space, the work definitely looks minimal or conceptual art because the location predisposes it to something ornamental and non-functional. Outside the gallery, the shape of the sculpture is likely to be attributed to something […]
I had a very useful critique with my peers and tutors, as they always are. I really do enjoy crits! Due to covid it was a digital critique which was just as useful if not more, as I was able […]
I visited Firstsite mainly to see Corneila Parker’s work Neither from nor towards (1992) within the exhibition “Tell me the story of all these things”. Cornelia Parker Neither from nor towards (1992) Image by Elgin Thwaites 25/10/2020 I really liked […]
I visited Firstsite during a break in the lockdowns back in October this year. I had seen that Phyllida Barlow was exhibiting here and I really like her sculptural work. I liked that the work was being shown in the […]
I used Photoshop to place the sculpture I made the other day into photos in gallery spaces around the School of Art, and in photos I took in the countryside a few years ago. I’ve changed the scale of the […]
Glasgow based artist known for working in film, sculpture, print, performance and installation will represent Scotland at the 59th International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia in 2022.
As artists and freelancers, we need to adapt to survive these challenging times.
What do Carl Gent and Gemma Marmalade have in common? Carl Gent is an artist from Bexhill-on-Sea, UK. His work frequently involves performances based on his researches into Cynethryth, the eighth century Queen of the Mercians and co-founder of Bexhill-on-Sea. Carl […]
I went to the metal workshops this morning and made this piece with the rollers. I’ve talked it over with Gay and said I wanted the metal sheet (10cm in width) curved similar to a concertina with the rollers, and […]
02/12/20 I had an end of semester informal assessment with Jane to see where I am at – theoretically/practically. We discussed this new relation of social media & the female gaze where I have tried to make it work in my […]
For my dissertation I am analysing the digitalization of the gaze through time due to social media, and the changes that are present with the way women perceive themselves and others. Chapter 1, starts off with Jacques Lacan, a […]