07 November 2020 Themes Health, bodies, communities, expression, trauma, stress, somatics. Tentacles of inquiry Reflecting on first hand experience of Long COVID. Bodies go wrong because we’re human. Realities of body and brain exhaustion. Current situation means people are enduring […]
What do Craig Pinder and Carl Gent have in common? Craig Pinder is a West End actor and original cast member of Les Miserables. I want to find out from Craig about his views on acting and how acting might […]
A global celebration of Bruce Lee,
marking what would have been his 80th birthday
Throughout our sessions we will each bring something to share, be it observations, experiences or emerging strategies. These share’s will connect to the previous session, forming leap-frog flows of playful movement, allowing the conversations to evolve and expand our […]
We had our first online meeting at the end of October 2020. Some of the group members were familiar with using Zoom as a platform, whilst others professed their virginity! It will be interesting to see how successful we are […]
I filmed Clean my sheets (video here), which is a documentation of washing up liquid being dripped onto the sheets of steel. From my previous post, I wrote about the neat being in contradiction to the disorganised, but I noticed […]
I had a look at Mona Hatoum’s work online, and I’ve actually seen her work in person at the Whitecube in Bermondsey. Her work is often about conflict and contradiction which invokes tension in the viewer. I think I want […]
When Laura asked me “What’s the job description?” In the short video she made to launch Drawing Songs, I paused and said “Thinking”… then tried to expand on that one word answer but couldn’t. And it has been bugging me […]
I wasn’t too sure where I wanted to approach Only Touch With CLEAN Hands from, I had previously mentioned social media abut I am unsure of it’s workings. I hope for some good feed back from the group crit 24/11/20. Only […]
Some notes from our third meeting on Friday 20th November… Four threads: And must have natural/ecological/environmental considerations run throughout: How artists networks work and case study and come up with new models using our current example experience, How we connect […]
Ideas brainstorm… ready to go!
On Wednesday 4th November we’ve had our first Peer Learning Group – Artists Make Change meeting at Centre of Gravity, Bristol. So exciting! It’s 11 of us: Laura Bottin, Lisa Friedberg, Anna Haydock -Wilson, Deborah Weinreb from BA-LF, John O’Connor, […]
AN MENTOURING BLOG-BEX MASSEY 2019-2020 I was lucky enough to receive a-n Mentoring 2019-2020. This comprised of four hour long (which happily usually ran over) sessions via Skype with the fabulous Lucy Day. Lucy is an independent curator, artists mentor and […]
Read my article to see how I successfully job searched during a pandemic, with hints and tips for your own job search.
*Trigger warnings: suicidal ideation, hopelessness, discouragement and despair. As November is drawing to a close and so is the second lockdown of this mad year, Guy Fawkes night and Remembrance day seem like the only recurring familiar markers to get my […]
A question I have been asking myself this weekend is where does my recent work sit with the idea of the uncanny? The uncanny came about in Freud’s essay, which stems from the word unheimlich, and he writes that it’s […]
(Danny Smith in Flashback) The Shadowlight Artists are a collective of seven artists with learning disabilities, formed in 2009. They are supported, managed, and produced by Film Oxford. I’ve been lucky enough to work on Shadowlight projects since 2015, and […]
A place to write about my inclusive praxis
I wanted to distort the actual work this time. I wasn’t sure of this while creating The Haze of Social Media, I was scared to damage the breasts but I became more confident and decided to place the breast in a cup […]