As Old as the Hills
Zig Zag Building -
September 21, 2024 -
October 06, 2024 -
South West England
I have just paid for artist membership (£38 for a year) which said it offers public liability insurance as part of membership, but when have tried to save the details they have gone. Now I cannot find ho wto show […]
Following my last post, I am back in the studio making. I’m using waste paper, mostly the brown paper of the type used to fill the void in parcels. I’ve got people saving it for me. When I have […] I make no apologies for referring to an old post from 2017. To save time if you can’t be bothered to read it, I talk about my very personal and emotional connection to my work, how I anthropomorphise objects, […]
Join us for the IAA Europe Symposium 2024 as we explore the intricate relationship between art and war from different historical, cultural and philosophical perspectives.
Short blog from Victoria Albuquerque about primary sources of inspiration.
I’ve just sent off a reminder to the museum about the invoice I sent to them on 26 June for my workshop . I have done several workshops for them before and have more in the pipeline, and as I […]
I finished the large charcoal picture I’d been working on during the week. I had worked on it incrementally, readdressing it each time I came in to the studio doing other projects in between and then quite suddenly it was […]