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Any other Aphantasic creatives here?

This is a drawing my son did (in Paint!) when he was helping me mock up a gallery set up. The first speech bubble contains what he sees in his minds eye. The second is what I see/don’t see. If […]

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DSG Feature

Class of 2020: Thomas Kershaw

BA (Hons) Fine Art, The University of Central Lancashire (UCLan). “My work is a deconstruction of classical art imagery, taking references from sculptures and paintings found in museums and art galleries across the UK. I use oil paint along with […]

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DSG Feature

Class of 2020: Layla Green

BA (Hons) Fine Art, University Of Central Lancashire (UCLan). “I am interested in the consequences of our need to constantly feel connected. My painting expresses how social media influences our personal relationships and daily functions, making symbolic reference to the ominous effects […]

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Blog Post


Berries: gooseberries, blackcurrants, redcurrants ripe for picking. I reap what I have sown. I have cultivated my plot. Metaphors for life. Produce good to eat, to conserve, to save for winter, less productive times. There has been a gap in […]

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Blog Post

It’s like having a visitor

I have taken down one of my pictures – it was a 1920’s illustration of some orange flowers and put up 2 pieces by Lizzie Donegan instead. I’d like to change the spacing around but getting any fixings in my […]

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Blog Post

Small brown brush

Small brown brush makes me think of small brown bird. How we start to value the small and the brown and the bird. On the allotment there are more birds. I see them more. A wren scuttled under the shed. […]

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Blog Post

A tiny artistic oasis in the household mess

The stairs in my house go across and through the middle of the house. That makes a thin tall area where I have shelves for books and beautiful things. It gets messy. I’m not good at putting things away. This […]

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Blog Post

Summing up the Ev’ry Bird experiment June 2020

I’m grateful for a garden. The cleaner air and the locked in cats mean the garden is full of birds. Chattering, arguing, fluttering, moving birds. It is this movement I’ve been capturing, in lines and brush strokes via a system […]

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Outdoor Rehearsal!

All we have to do now is hope and pray that the weather is kind… We have decided to try an open air rehearsal in my back garden… I’ve cleared and swept the patio, and measured out the seating. Please […]

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Visitors and Chronology

Visitors and Chronology These two things might not at first thought be connected, but I found myself considering both today, tied together… I have started venturing back into the studio. Not just popping in to pick up/drop off materials, but […]

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DSG Feature

Degree Show: West Dean Fine Art Show 2020

West Dean College of Arts and Conservation, Graduate Diploma Fine Art, MFA. 13 July 2020 – January 2021. For the first time, graduating students from the Fine Art programmes at West Dean College of Arts and Conservation will be hosting […]

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Dwell Time Issue 2 Online Launch

Dwell Time launch the second edition of their award winning art publication reflecting on mental wellbeing. Dwell time: The time a train spends at a scheduled stop without moving. Typically, this time is spent boarding or alighting passengers, but it […]

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little and often #3

the little an often strategy has got me through the last few months and this week i’ve had to take steps back from everything for a couple of days to see where i am at the moment. so what is […]

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Blog Post

H.F. – Visual Episode (W.5)

Here is Week 5: Change of gear in the process. I took a break from the template I’ve been using since the first studio session and decided instead to revisit certain improvisation moments from the previous rehearsals that still resonated until […]

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