Mark Leckey’s Felix Gets Broadcasted (2007) Mark Leckey keeps things. More than just an artist, he is a hoarder of epic proportions. His 30-year career is littered with the objects, images and detritus of 20th century popular culture, a lexicon of cultural […]
2020-05-17 Although there is no lockdown in Sweden it still feels a bit strange to be going to an actual meeting this afternoon. Uppsala Artists’ Club committee has a planning day. Under normal circumstances I would be looking forward to […]
This piece is the amalgamation of bodily forms, the unholy trinity. It describes the conjoinment to the devil, the becoming of a gateway. It distinguishes the damned women, the pythons, those who the devil speaks through. The sexed temptresses are […]
Wax is a fatty deposit. Our bodies are fatty deposits.
The emergency response, led by disabled people for disabled people working across the UK’s creative industries, will promote a sustainable future for disability and inclusive arts in the UK through and after the Covid-19 pandemic.
After Self Casting my body becomes transformed, covered in plaster and lines where I have marked out where to apply it.
I have been studying crouched figures and the negative spaces they produce; spaces formed from curved stomachs, thighs, arms and breasts pressed together. I began carving these shapes out of wax and soap. Making the impressions of where the body […]
An exploration into the desexualised accumulation of female forms
The performance ‘Trial’ takes its name from the Trial by Cold Water in which the accused Witch is thrown into a river and found innocent if she sank, guilty if she floated. The rigged, paradoxical nature of this trial was harsh […]
I have spent months addressing the perception of the female. That a woman with intelligence is powerful. That a woman with power is dangerous. That a woman must be stopped from thinking about power. That a woman must be stopped […]
To start with it seemed to me that in this complex world, my rock was literally a solid base on which I could anchor my thoughts – as Richard Dawkins says: “In the beginning was simplicity”; before anything else existed […]
I drew my glove. Well used. Even more so recently. Keeps me safe from virus on the water tap or the entrance gate. Canary yellow leather. blackened, greened through work. My hands, gloveless, have black fingernails, fingers green from pulling […]
I don’t know if this was a good use of time/paint. The plan is to send hand-painted postcards to everyone I can’t see but would have done, or would have intended to, if it wasn’t for coronavirus. I’ve made sure […]
Convid-19 has stopped flights. Will cheap flights start again after lockdown? – Should they? I think not. For 10 years I have worked with a theme of flying. Can I go on?
Liverpool-based FACT has announced the 10 recipients of its awards to support early-career artists and artist groups in the north of England to create work from home.
“Animism is the belief that objects, places and creatures all possess a spirit or soul. Believers in animism potentially perceive all things—animals, plants, rocks, rivers, weather systems, human handiwork and perhaps even words—as animated and alive.” It is said to […]
It’s a mouth full of a title! The report was recommended at the V&A’s conference on Play back in November. It was a really interesting read. It’s written from the perspective of the need to prescribe play to families as […]
Research into the power of play and how I can bring this into my practise
I run a fortnightly Zoom drawing club which is proving to be quite popular. It isn’t a workshop – rather a space for drawing in company and sharing ideas and encouragement. We don’t usually have themes but inspired by Grayson […]
Hi I’ve recently added a mailchimp newsletter function to my website and have since found out that am legally required to include a home or business address on all my email newsletters. I’ve used mailchimp before when working for organisations […]
I was seeking ways to either exhibit or perform Lost Dreams, either in a gallery or at a festival. However, Coronavirus has changed that. I have made some temporary videos to upload the tracks to Youtube. The reason for this […]
The past week has been a bit rough – glad to be back on treatment but the drugs are strong. I must have slept for 12 hours on Friday. Before starting the new (old) chemo drugs I did manage a […]
hello, unusual times hey ! during the pandemic i’ve found that spending time walking has helped me to get some perspective of things. very early on i got a new insight into my dsylexia while on a walk. before the […]