Online exhibition – Even Tigers Need a Rest
Aleph Contemporary Ltd -
May 16, 2020 -
May 31, 2020 -
Inspired by Tom Croft’s ‘hashtag –portraitsfornhsheroes‘ idea, I have begun a series of portraits. it was instigated to reward and draw attention to the amazing work of our NHS staff during this terrible pandemic. It’s a brilliant idea and has […]
I can’t believe how much I’m missing singing. Humming around the house isn’t the same thing at all. Singing, a song I’ve had a hand in writing (or even the odd spontaneous cover during rehearsals) from beginning to end, and […]
so about 7 weeks ago i didn’t fully appreciate how all the rapid alterations to my life and social world were affecting me – my response was to set up this blog – a self proclaimed residency and for a […]
As soon as lockdown was announced I endeavoured to adapt and continue developing my artistic practice as much as possible. What actually happened was I ended up playing with Lego. In fairness I began in earnest; visiting my studio at […]
This small painting is part of a body of work from Yorkshire’s premier painter of crowds. Neil McBride has a well deserved place among the contemporary artists living and working in god’s own country of Yorkshire. The painting is very small but […]
Celebrating synchronicity and queer community, with reference to Alan Turing, AL & AL, Allan Horsfall and Islington Mill. Really Excited to be in this group of artists. Please take a look!
my attention, my thoughts, drawn to a plant, drawing my attention, how do I draw my attention? attend to a plant, draw it this way, that way, another way, attempt, try, try out, first attempt, second attempt, experiment, drawn out, […]
An echium leaf from my first three thriving, surviving echiums on the allotment. ‘He who has kissed a leaf need look no further’ William Carlos Williams
lovage leaf, branch, sprig, like a tree unto itself smell of celery and spice huge bush use a little not a lot Hildegard of Bingen in the 12th Century said: eaten raw, it breaks down a person’s nature and makes […]
I’ve been working on a lockdown book titled : ‘Walk Through a Rainbow,’ with Ellie Collins. The eBook is now available on Kindle for £3.99. The paperback is available for £5.99. We’ll donate 50p for each of our first […]
Image: Vulpes vulpes. iPhone6 + binoculars The Project: I intend to access a beach that has no official access. Questing for Forest Cove. Attempt 1 As I emerged from the bluebell wood a cock pheasant flew loudly out from cover. […]
Why Louise Bourgeois’ sculpture ‘Quarantania, I’ has new-found relevance in our lockdown life.
Highlights. -Common Cock Pheasant. Phasianus colchicus. -Red Fox. Vulpes Vulpes. -Doe. Female Roe Deer. Capreolus capreolus. -Red-tailed bumblebee. Bombus lapidaries. -Herring Gull. Larus argentatus. -Thrift/Sea Pinks. Armeria maritima -Stag. Male Roe Deer. Capreolus capreolus. -Bluebell. Hyacinthoides non-scripta. Image: Bombus lapidarius. FSC […]
End point of Attempt 1.
I’m working with other artists to produce limited edition linocuts. These are collaborative works of art featuring more than 4 artists in each work. This began as a way to earn some income because all our income disappeared overnight when […]
I am now collaborating with Chris by sending him my scanned drawings and he is writing code to animate the drawings in response to – this will be the final stage – live streamed bio-sensor data. It’s been very very […]
For those down here at the pointy end that haven’t seen it.
Image: Inventory 07.05.20 -gifted binoculars -borrowed Canon -spycam (return to amazon now in process) -iphone6s -walking shoes (usually work-wear) -bumbag -house key
Image: Proposed Route 50°18’30.9″N 3°37’23.0″W Key: ‘green line’= previously accessed route. ‘A’=View Point (as photographed below). ‘b’= potentially inaccessible areas. Here I propose my route. I also have concerns that the ‘way’, as is visible from the satellite maps, may now […]