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Blog Post


And then, coronavirus hit. We’d been hearing the news from Italy, the few cases in a ski resort not far from Grenoble, and then it was clearly becoming established throughout France. Educational establishments were shut down in early March – […]

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Blog Post

Development to sudden halt

A long hiatus since my last post. Obviously, a lot has happened since then… In this post I want to talk about how I was working in the couple of weeks before confinement kicked in (on 17 March in France, […]

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News News story

a-n Degree Shows Guide 2020: celebrating new art in extraordinary times

The just-published 32-page guide includes an expanded ‘Class of 2020’ section featuring images and insight from both graduating students and lecturers, plus there’s an extensive interview with collaborative duo Jane and Louise Wilson, and collectives from around the UK discuss why ‘putting heads together to collaborate is an artistic no brainer’

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Blog Post

The Cat Speaks…

When we first went into lockdown, it prompted me to paint the outside wall that I’d been meaning to paint since I moved here in 2013. I took a photo of the wall this weekend and I was struck by […]

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Blog Artist

Questing for Forest Cove

This project is in tandem with the blog: “Locked down into Paying/Denying Attention”.
I intend to access a beach that has no official access.

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DSG Feature

Class of 2020: Louisa Clark

BA (Hons) Fine Art: Painting, Wimbledon College of Arts, UAL. Louisa Clark says of her practice: “My work aims to form different perspectives on familiar things, inviting a type of playful observation. My practice is primarily concerned with the translation […]

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Resource Archive

a-n Degree Shows Guide 2020

Includes an expanded ‘Class of 2020’ section featuring images and insight from both graduating students and lecturers, plus there’s an extensive interview with collaborative duo Jane and Louise Wilson, and collectives from around the UK discuss why ‘putting heads together to collaborate is an artistic no brainer’. Available on issuu and as downloadable pdf.

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DSG Feature

Class of 2020: Aisha Matraxia

BA Fine Art (Sculpture), Leeds Art University. Speaking about her work, Aisha Matraxia says: “Throughout the past two years, my work has been a gradual development into looking at the home and our relationship with objects and the domestic. My […]

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DSG Feature

Class of 2020: Jonah Fried

BA Fine Art, Chelsea College of Arts, University of Arts London. Speaking about his work, Jonah Fried says: “My practice revolves around mark-making as an aid to my core research, which looks at uniqueness and mass production. In my quest […]

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Blog Post


Two Mints on my allotment presently. How many mints are there? 7,500. Yes. The Mint Family Lamiaceae includes mints, sage, lavender, basil, thymes. Mints alone have 600 varieties including peppermint, spearmint, chocolate, orange, apple, liquorice, ginger etc. Mint the herb […]

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Blog Post

#payingattention via rock

Images: 50°18’50.4″N 3°36’60.0″W 29.04.2020 Both taken at the same time, different angle. In lock down within walking distance of the beach, provided my arthritis isn’t playing up too much. #payingattention #notphotoshopped

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Blog Post

A bee’s introduction.

Image: Bombus lucorum 12.04.20 A very proper bumble bee, with a yellow stripe and a white bum, crawled under a log after a lot of dithering about. I had been trespassing and was now nearing the public right of way […]

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Blog Post

Plugging into something else.

Image: Lockdown 12.04.20 This started in the first week of UK Lockdown, when I caught myself bogged down in the daily mire of scrolling through the newsless news app. What am I looking at? Anguished and tearful at articles more frightening […]

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DSG Feature

Class of 2020: Preeti Shannon Tak

BA Fine Art, The Cass, London Metropolitan University final-year student Preeti Shannon Tak speaks to India Nielsen. “I am fascinated by the genetic make-up of everything” London artist Preeti Shannon Tak is in her final year of BA Fine Art […]

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DSG Feature

Class of 2020: Jack McElroy

BA(Hons) Fine Art, Sculpture and Environmental Art, Glasgow School of Art final year student Jack McElroy speaks to Jamie Limond. “It’s about making an artwork that can be enjoyed by people who don’t want to enjoy it as an artwork” […]

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DSG Feature

Student art: “Sincerity is in, glib humour out”

As Brexit gives way to Covid-19 as the defining factor shaping all our futures, Chris Sharratt asks lecturers and course leaders about the kind of art this year’s graduates are making. “I think this stuff comes from an anxiety about […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Keeping It Going"

Some objects I’ve selected for this project have impacted on me more than others and I’ve used this blog to write about it. Today’s objects are a case in point – a tiny, bronze vintage pendant and an even tinier […]

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DSG Feature

Class of 2020: Gwyneth Machin

BA Sculpture, Edinburgh College of Art. Working with materials such as plaster, soil and paper, Gwyneth Machin focuses on our relationship with the Earth, from “the visceral feeling in landscape to the oppressive canyons of a cityscape”. Drawing on childhood […]

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DSG Feature

Class of 2020: Charlotte Guérard

BA Fine Art Painting, University of Brighton final-year student Charlotte Guérard speaks to Kitty Bew. “The painting becomes an object or an archive of my gestures, something that happened in my body separate to what happened in my head.” Charlotte […]

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