Page 268 – a-n The Artists Information Company

Blog Post

All in the best possible taste!

I’ve just read a very interesting article in the New York Times by Michael Pollan called Weeds Are Us. In a way, it develops the point I was making last week about having empathy for non-human species – namely, weeds. […]

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Blog Post

Its live!

Finally! Completely outside of my original time frame the podcast has finally gone live. Its quite nerve wracking to hit the publish button and hear your voice talk out across the internet. Hearing your voice played back to you is […]

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Blog Post

Isolation garden

Even before lockdown I found it hard, for health reasons, to go to some of the exhibitions I’d have liked to go to and also some of the brilliant workshops and opportunities that pop up from time to time so […]

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Recent Work

‘Leach’ | 30 x 30cm| Resin and coloured tape on linen | 2020 | £180

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Recent Work

‘Nail your colours to the mast’ | 30.5 x 30.5cm | Resin and coloured tape on board | 2020 | £200 (this piece has now been sold)

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Recent Work

‘Onions Wrapped in Rubber’ | 30.5 x 30.5cm | Bio-resin and coloured tape on board | 2020 | £180

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Recent Work

‘Stigma’ | 30 x 30cm| Resin and coloured tape on linen | 2020 | £180

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Blog Post

living in my head

the current lockdown is giving me a lot of time to live in my head. a statement now difficult to follow up, i ponder for a moment… the lockdown is giving me more time to be on my own than […]

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Blog Post


“Chemists have tried to imitate the chemical conditions of the young earth. They have put these simple substances in a flask (water, methane, ammonia, and hydrogen) and supplied a source of energy such as ultraviolet light or electric sparks. After a few weeks […]

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Research Working practice

Covid-19 impact survey

Drawing on the findings of a-n’s survey and reflecting the views of over 4,000 members, the Covid-19 impact survey report provides robust insights into the emerging impacts of the public health crisis with 93% of respondents reporting that their practice or career has been affected by the outbreak.

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Blog Post

Well this puts a whole new spin on it

So I had been thinking about gesture as widely as possible … How it is used in dance and choreography – the work of Bob Fosse (Chicago), the choreography of West Side Story, folk dance, Bollywood, Ballroom culture and the […]

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Blog Post

Lockdown continued and continued

I love seeing the work by those artists who are managing to create a “lockdown” diaries or series – I am making work every day more or less and inevitably in response to the current circumstances but I am not […]

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Blog Post

grief and linearity

i woken this morning to the realisation that i’m in the depressed portion of the grief curve – set up by the loss as a result of the response to fighting covid-19. all i could do at the time was […]

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Blog Post


Yesterday I harvested nettle tops from behind the allotment shop with scissors and gloves.  First ones had greenfly on so had to go further up and luckily the fly had not spread that far.  Collected a carrier bag full and […]

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Blog Post

Lockdown continued

So another 3 weeks at least for the general population and another 7 weeks at least for me. I am missing the studio and want to get back in there as soon as I can, apart from anything to give […]

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Blog Post

Back to shirts’ fronts

It’s been an enjoyable and productive week at the studio. I had a day-in lieu and that in combination with Easter Monday meant that I was only in the office for a half day on Wednesday morning. If only every […]

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