Notes from the residency at Köttinspektionen, Uppsala Residency day 1 Tour of venue by AKB. Light and sound boards did not work, AKB to investigate and return. Felt very lost and unproductive. Set myself too high expectations. Arrived with […]
Hi! I have been teaching watercolour painting to adults for about 15 years and am wondering if anyone knows of any good sites for tired teachers who have run out of ideas and need inspiration!
for this reflection i will be using the model for reflection held at 1. what happened? spread over today and yesterday i have made – for the first time – a series of 4 reduction prints. its the first […]
in working with isolation i can start to see how not joining up the sections of the practice feeds my self’s feeling of isolation. there is however an empowering factor to this that i am in control of the non […]
notes notes when the emotions are fresh believe in dreaming recognise the long term commitment to this accept the long periods of time of little or no connection work towards the time punctuations dream to believe this is a solitary […]
Still reading The Disappearance of Rituals… The urge to Produce, to provide Content is rife. But the problem is with the sort of art work I do, if I am too intent on the product and not the process, I […]
in wanting to research isolation, i’ve become aware of how i frame the research being important for eventually talking / sharing about the research. my thinking about what i feel like researching wandering into a paradoxical space – in wanting […]
This week, I deleted the former twitter app off my phone . I used to use it to catch up on activities people I know had written about. I occasionally tweeted about my own work. I liked to discover work […]
in standing still and feeling the loss of both practice momentum and connection to groups through that practice facilitated, i embrace my self and all the now known aspects of my brain that influence all the little things everyday. acknowledging […]
lately i have been feeling that i’ m at a stand still. from a stand still i can: look around me listen to what other people say about past work feel good at being stationary see what resources are near […]
I have been delivering workshops for the local council on a freelance basis. I sent my invoice in on the 4th June and they still haven’t paid me. I have chased it umpteen times now and they’ve had several excuses […]
Pictures at an Exhibition – how the outsider artist in me is making things harder than they need to be.
Crossing mediums – connecting the dots between painting, making and exhibiting.