Lynne Forrester: Life Drawings & Abstracts
The Steadings Gallery -
March 14, 2020 -
March 20, 2020 -
door#26 (mixed media on canvas board) Sometimes our surroundings collect memories and features of those living with and passing by them. So much so they start to resemble something we weren’t expecting. What can you see peeking from the textures? […]
An exploration into the secret lives of objects. Solo exhibition from Justin Robertson
Despite obvious differences the specialisms of fine art and particle physics are both concerned with making the invisible visible. Scientific developments have seen the “everyday” dissolve into sub-atomic interactions only accessible by examining traces left in an enabling medium in […]
Drawing links between fine art and particle physics.
door#25 (mixed media on canvas board) Sometimes a personality becomes so used to melding with their surroundings they forget their own individual beauty. click here to shop
It has been a few months since I have written a blog post. As expected my studies have been dominating leaving very little time for the creation of new art works. My brain has been firing on all cylinders though […]
door#24 (mixed media on canvas board) Quietly contemplative with sparks of inspiration and wisdom emanating softly – which the infinitely extrovert doorframe is promoting wildly! click here to shop
Our regular selection of shows to see around the UK, including Denzil Forrester’s depictions of East London dub-reggae clubs in Nottingham, Haley Morris-Cafiero playing cyber bullies at their own game at TJ Boulting, London, and Garth Gratrix’s exploration of the inherent machismo in DIY materials at Grundy Art Gallery, Blackpool.
Continuing with my printmaking ventures on Chinese book pages: this is a Lino print I made yesterday and am quite pleased with it. The simple shape of my little ceramic tripod vessel based on Chinese Shang Dynasty bronzes works really […]
Hello to everyone. I’m new here and this is my first month renting space to show my work in a shop housing many other independent artists. For me it’s a really big step into something more professional and challenging. Intending […]
I registered as self-employed last March when I moved to Folkestone to find a work-live space. The timing was great on a number of levels, not least that I didn’t have to submit an HMRC self-assessment this January (phew!). But […]
door#23 (mixed media on canvas board) One of those doorways we may not ordinarily notice perhaps. It’s ceased to leap into the vision of the passer-by quite as obviously as others, but I wonder if it’s hiding a whole world […]
I thought I’d put the whole set of monoprints I made the other day up together.
This week’s been a little better though not without its frustrations. A big step forward was that (thanks to a contact through my Airbnb hosts) I was able to meet with the guy who manages all the city’s gardeners. It […]