I attended Incidental Futures: Artist Placement Study Day and Incidental Assembly on the weekend of 13/14 September 2019. The two day even held at South London Gallery marked the culmination of the Incidental Futures programme. Find more information about this […]
Eduardo Paolozzi: Michelangelo’s ‘David’ (?1987) In 1987, Eduardo Paolozzi (1924–2005) was walking past Harrods in London when he spotted a window dresser setting up a display using a plaster cast of the head of Michelangelo’s David. Apparently on impulse, he borrowed […]
sorrel leaves picked 3 April 2020 Plenty of sorrel today, clean leaves without slug and snail holes, good for a mixed salad or steamed with other leaves. Oxalic acid in them means don’t eat too many on their own. They […]
Thursday evening I chatted with two directors of the Supermarket Art Fair about my suggestion for inviting exhibitors, staff, and volunteers to post a ’snap-shot’ of what they are doing the week that they should have been at the fair […]
Well that changed fast didn’t it? All is now on hold. We have made the basic recording, but will need to wait before we can get back into the studio to do backing vocals and small adjustments and to add […]
Here we are a couple of weeks later… I’ve never found it harder to blog… I can’t seem to think straight. I go from frantic activity, printing, drawing, baking, gardening, housework… …to complete horizontal torpor and mental fog. Yesterday I […]
sitting with many feelings set up by the current covid-19 lockdown. one of them to do with the non linear project, one of them about what my need are as 2020 progresses and how might the confinement and isolation […]
In the studio today experimenting with angles and off-cuts. I’m exploring how my rhombus drawings (that in this case have been turned into stickers) react to, and are changed by, their interaction with an object. Here’s today’s effort… ‘Exploded Contract’ […]
Here is blossom on the pear tree. Two years ago this tree had two pears. Last year I fed and trimmed it and it produced fifteen pears. The dwarf quince branches are reaching for the sky. It was planted last […]
I am a fine art photographer currently working on a multimedia project about visual representation of chronic pain. Like so many of us, I have been hugely hit by the lockdown due to covid 19 and had to stop almost […]
Had a bit of a dip over the weekend and wasn’t feeling great on Monday either but was hugely cheered that evening by my first Zoom drawing club. Five of us “got together”, drew and chatted for about 2 hours. […]
I’ve started the year in a fortunate position with opportunities to develop my practice. This includes a residency with a local arts venue, a place on the a-n Mentoring programme, and the opportunity to develop my skills with an organisation […]
Connected ‘the state of being joined or linked; a feeling of belonging to or having affinity with a particular person or group.’ Every day in the month of April, I’m going to focus on finding objects which are similar but […]
Solo show of major new commissioned works
My technology skills are just short of zero. Enforced semi-isolation is mind-numbingly dull so I have begun to experiment. I discovered that my blood pressure had shot up…. we acquired a home-test kit recently. So I took the decision to […]
To help support a-n Artist members whose livelihoods have been impacted by Coronavirus Covid-19, we’re bringing the application process forward for the next round of a-n Artist Bursaries, and working with Arts Council England to distribute £300,000 of financial support for artists and arts organisers who make exhibitions happen.
Open for applications from artists and arts organisers who work in a self-employed capacity to support the production of exhibitions and art work and who have lost work due to Coronavirus Covid-19, this £300,000 fund has been made available by Arts Council England and is distributed by a-n.
Five herbs I picked yesterday 30 March 2020, parsley, sage, chives, mint, coriander. A plot is a piece of land measured and marked out for growing vegetables, or maybe for a house/home. Or a secret scheme or plan for something […]
the vegetables, herbs, fruit, flowers that come off my allotment this year plus attendant thoughts
A hazy blue stillness. Nothing moves. Until a sudden ripple disturbs the soupy water, stirs the suspended particles. Powerful legs propel the creature through the water and paddle madly as the alarmed frog attempts to secrete itself in a dark […]
I am often on the Ritherdon site during a periods of maintenance. Maintenance is taking place all the time, however there is a reasonably regular spot on Friday afternoons when the bigger jobs get done after the factory closes for […]