The Manchester Contemporary Art Fund acquires work by Nicola Ellis Posted on on 23 October 2019 Nicola Ellis’ Dead powder series: Yellow, 2019 was selected by The Manchester Contemporary Art Fund from hundreds of exhibiting artists at the 2019 […]
For several years now I’ve been having a relationship with this small rock. Here it is… I went looking for a special stone on the beach in my lunch-break one day. Of course Eastbourne beach is covered in likely candidates […]
MAJOR CONVERSATIONS THEODORE MAJOR IN DIALOGUE WITH CONTEMPORARY BRITISH ARTISTS 4 OCTOBER – 9 NOVEMBER 2019 As heavy industry has declined in the North, our understanding of areas with a strong industrial heritage and identity are often distorted through a […]
No Particular Place to Go? 35 years of sculpture at Castlefield Gallery Hilary Jack, Turquoise Bag in a Tree Nicola Ellis, Dead powder series/ Missing bits, 2019. Mild steel and dead powder. Photo courtesy Jules Lister Charles Hewlings, […]
Return to Ritherdon work exhibited in ‘Each Toward the Other’, an exhibition featuring the work of Nicola Ellis, Joe Hancock and Hannah Leighton-Boyce at Bury Sculpture centre. 20 July – 9 November 2019 ‘Soot, stairlifts, shelves, steel, powder coating, […]
nearly at the end of the first week, been settling in and finding my way. taking stock of the resources available and who might be up for some collaborating – there others here with me, all with their own focuses. […]
a reframing residency began in march 2020
In the coronavirus age when, we learn, a virus is neither dead nor alive; when scientists can create and manipulate biological life, technology creates artificial life, and inanimate objects often appear to take on a life of their own, the question is, “What is Life”?
So I have sold all the Easter cards – I am in full lockdown so my husband has to go out and post them to buyers but thankfully I am able to reduce contact with post office staff by using […]
Where to start? Probably best to forget about the gap between then and now and just begin with today. There are these things I made last year. They looked a bit like boulders… but like bad scenery boulders. They were […]
Often polemical, the book is illustrated by a short photo-fable of black and white photographs by Aldobranti.
Emergence Bursary recipient Lauren Saunders, who is known for primarily working with drawing and collage, discusses the impact the award has had on her practice and her plans for the future.
So its 5;44 am and I can’t sleep! like many of you I am navigating the unfolding news and impact on the self employed and all those in the creative sector. It’s worrying times for all with so much uncertainty. […]
‘I search always for this stillness, which penetrates our fullest activity and even our sleep’ [Jim Ede] The absence of a visible kitchen at Kettle’s Yard in Cambridge is a startling omission in a house which is otherwise convincingly domestic: […]
Initial findings from the a-n Coronavirus Covid-19 Survey, designed to understand the impact on artists and arts managers and the support they need.
Ten days ago Roberto and I welcomed friends, colleagues, regular supporters and some new faces to That’s Why You Never Swallow Bubble Gum – Roberto’s wonderfully colourfully “absurd” exhibition installation at Glitter Ball showroom & projects. To say that […]
Hi I thought it might be interesting to share work online that is related to the corona virus and life right now in all it’s new forms.. It’s just an idea to share creativity. I have made a 2 minute […]
£160 million of emergency funding is being made available for individuals and organisations who need it during the crisis.
Ghosts in the Machine: Mark Leckey’s Felix Gets Broadcasted (2007) In flickering monochrome on an old tube TV, a figurine of Felix the Cat rotates on a platter. His smiley blankness seems to gradually turn to dread, his eyes peeled […]
This is probably my final post for this project – it seems a bit weird amidst all that is going on. However, my plan was to share some final images and thoughts on my installation in ‘Fool’s Gold’, my two […]
I’ve been here highlighting these issues for around six years now. With arts organisations going on about social prescribing, but still my wages to do that are spurious. And of course, I can’t plan any more workshops to clear my […]
My top tips for surviving and thriving online. We’re all at sea with this coronavirus pandemic, and for freelancers in the UK it’s also been a body blow to learn that (at the the time of writing this) our Government has […]
where to start ? at home, sofa bound for now looking at my laptop screen – the elephant in the room being so big it’s affecting everyone. the first track is helping me to reduce the scale and […]