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Anatomy of Loss

Exploring ideas of materiality and absence through a combination of sculpture, drawing and text.

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Blog Post

More lino printing

Just some pics of my lino prints using oil-based inks on Chinese book pages (I won the books as a prize ages ago when studying Chinese at Cambridge). For the red images I tried black over red then red over […]

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Blog Post

30 Paintings in 30 Days, Day 29

door#29 (mixed media on canvas board) What you do think this door would like to tell you? Do the vibrancy of the colours denote cheerfulness or a bright façade? What stories does it hold? click here to shop

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Blog Post

Hiding and Showing

Obviously mood affects the work. In my case that is kind of the point. Cause and Effect. But all those years I was in a job working for a salary, never did I feel so totally alone with my mental […]

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Blog Post

30 Paintings in 30 Days, Day 28

door#28 (mixed media on canvas board) Gusts sweep through the blossoming trees like an arm that exists purely for gathering those pink petals. As it pauses momentarily, they make their escape and create a cerise and blancmange downpour, surprising the […]

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News News story

Collect 2020: award winners announced

To coincide with the opening of Collect: International Art Fair for Modern Craft and Design at Somerset House, London, Crafts Council has announced the four winners of the Collect 2020 Awards.

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Blog Post

30 Paintings in 30 Days, Day 27

door#27 (mixed media on canvas board) Sunlight glitters on residual raindrops that rest on the leaves, lightly framing a door which wouldn’t otherwise have caught the eye. click here to shop

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Blog Post

A perfume stirred..

Athens – movement notes  3/2/20 I leave (you) in the hotel room and descend through two floors of alternating light, to the street level. I begin to walk, connecting to ‘the flaneuse’ who I think must move slowly through the […]

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Event Exhibition

(Eco)logical Sense

  • Archive
  • Venue:
    Hockney Gallery, Stevenson Building, Royal College of Art
  • From:
    March 12, 2020
  • To:
    March 15, 2020
  • Location:
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CATCH 22, Logically Unacceptable Conclusions

The debut solo show of artist Dan Southward, a multidisciplinary creative currently based in Stoke-on-Trent. His practice sits somewhere between the worlds of fine art, graffiti, photography and installation.

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Blog Artist

‘Art in mind…..The Invisible Series’

This new blog explores how my artistic process is/has been shaped by my mental health. I experiment in my studio with pieces that push my own perception of what can be achieved creatively by challenging societal cliches around mental health and being an infertile woman.

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Blog Post

How breathing can help regulate your emotions

To read this post visit: My monthly blog is now based on my website – come and check it out and sign up for free tips on ways to improve your life! And if you want to keep you […]

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Blog Post

30 Paintings in 30 Days, Day 26

door#26 (mixed media on canvas board) Sometimes our surroundings collect memories and features of those living with and passing by them. So much so they start to resemble something we weren’t expecting. What can you see peeking from the textures? […]

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