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Blog Post


Dwell Time were filming again today at our HQ Dwell Time Central in Huddersfield. We did four interviews on camera which were tailored to the professions of the interviewees. I made some notes and interview questions after preliminary conversations with […]

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Blog Post

Making a Commercial Perfume

This rather innocuous image represents the initial development of something I have thus far unexplored; selling perfume commercially. This perfume sample – outsourced to fragrance suppliers Carvansons to my specifications – will be sold at Bristol Museum and Art Gallery […]

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Blog Post


My kids are obsessed with getting kittens. They have toy kittens and I’m aware that talking to inanimate objects and role playing can be a good form of therapy. So I had the idea to create Therapy Kitten with them […]

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Blog Post


It was Art Lab at Dean Clough with the new format of two artist presentations and the ‘marketplace’ show and tell in the second half where everyone can display and discuss their work informally. This came from the festive party […]

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Blog Post


Today I was artist-rapporteur at the Same Skies’ The Future of West Yorkshire’s Regional Democracy event. My role is to crystallise and create an artistic interpretation of the event. There were many interesting presentations and discussions and the notes I […]

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Blog Post


I had a great Flask Conversation with Sally today. We talked about education and documentation of dialogue and so many interesting things. Flask is a vehicle, a conduit, a catalyst.

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Blog Post


Agendas Agendas Agendas noun, formally a plural of agendum, but usually used as a singular with plural a·gen·das or a·gen·da. a list, plan, outline, or the like, of things to be done

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Blog Post


Dwell Time were filming in Huddersfield today for our CrossCountry promo video. It was a full day and there was lots of downtime in between the actual filming which created lots of space for conversation. I did a piece to […]

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Blog Post


I audio recorded a Flask Conversation with Lucy today as well as a catch up. She mentioned that the conversation had created a memory recall she hadn’t expected and I reflected that this seemed to be a common trope.

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Keeping It Going"

smell: odour, scent, whiff, aroma, fragrance, perfume, bouquet     After posting images of some new work on social media recently, I had a couple of responses from fellow artists around the subject of smell. ‘I can smell them from […]

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Blog Post

30 Paintings in 30 Days, Day 20

Delicate petals don’t seem so delicate when those blossoms are shed in whole tree-loads as winds whip through. Thorough in their execution, those brisk breezes heap great mounds of light and deep pink petals wherever they fancy, regardless of whose […]

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License agreements/fees

Hi All Wondering if anyone can help??… I’ve a potential commission starting soon in which I’ll be working in an unfamiliar way. I’ve a potential commission requiring design for large format print, for an installation in which all six surfaces […]

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Blog Post

Review: Judy Chicago at Baltic by India Nielsen

Each of the eight participants on the a-n Writer Development Programme 2019-20 was asked to submit a 600-word review of a current exhibition at Baltic, Gateshead. Half chose to review the Judy Chicago show. Here’s what India Nielsen thought. Review […]

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Blog Post

Review: Judy Chicago at Baltic by Orla Foster

As a follow-up task from the second a-n Writer Development Programme workshop at Baltic in January, the eight participants were tasked with filing a 600-word review of one of the current exhibitions are Baltic. Four of the writers chose the […]

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Blog Post

Review: Joy Labinjo at Baltic by Joanna Byrne

Following the second workshop in the programme, led by frieze deputy editor Amy Sherlock, three of the participants chose to write about British-Nigerian painter Joy Labinjo’s exhibition at Baltic, ‘Our histories cling to us’, her first major solo show. Here’s […]

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Blog Arts organiser


Fragmented reflections, consumed by our collective consciousness, soaring out of the individual to perceive art, nature and self from afar.

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Blog Post

Jenny Stevenson

I first met Jenny at the Sheffield Artist Book Fair last autumn and was immediately smitten by her and her books. Despite their diverse subjects, they share a common aesthetic: many have a concertina as the basic element, lending flexibility […]

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Blog Post

30 Paintings in 30 Days, Day 19

This is a door that’s inviting you to go inside, it’s almost bending itself to show you more of the light gleaming from under it. A little door with a lot of energy :0) door#19 (mixed media on canvas board) […]

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