What she didn’t say
Thames Side Studios -
March 13, 2020 -
March 29, 2020 -
I love an epiphany! God, being autistic is sometimes an absolute blast. I get to peel back layers of a life time’s accumulation of faulty learning and go, wow! so that’s how it really works… Recent adventures have got […]
I spent the last few days embarking upon that most arduous of tasks – sorting out my studio space. It was a curiously cathartic process which saw me tidy away my array of pencils, pens and paintbrushes; making way instead […]
Gillian Lock-Bowen, Harwich Mindmap 1, paper, drafting film, acetate, ink, pencil, 50 x 70 cm Crossing Lines, June-July, 2020, Harwich This exhibition is being developed specifically for the Harwich Mayflower Festival 2020. Its theme: Movement and Migration […]
Gillian Lock-Bowen, Harwich Mindmap 1, paper, drafting film, acetate, ink, pencil, 50 x 70 cm Crossing Lines, June-July, 2020, Harwich This exhibition is being developed specifically for the Harwich Mayflower Festival 2020. Its theme: Movement and Migration is inspired by […]
Juan Bolivar, an artist and curator, explores the history and practice of curating, and provides ten key questions for independent curators and artists to help guide you in developing your first exhibitions. Bolivar’s painting practice runs parallel to his curating practice; first initiating TRAILER (2001-05) – an artist collective utilising temporary locations to stage exhibitions – and since, going on to curate over 40 exhibitions as an independent curator.
Hen Norton explores the use of fundraising platforms online and offers her top ten tips to help you build a sustainable creative business or project, and reach a wider and more engaged network of supporters through crowdfunding.
‘Coexistence’ is a call for ‘empathy and solidarity that transcends species’ and features works that reflect on issues of humans’ relationship with nature and critique an anthropocentric worldview.
Here’s door#4. As always during these 30 day challenges, I’m learning more every minute that I paint. Palette knife painting is new to me, as is mixing paints with one too. Loving the new skills :)
As I walk around the city centre and other areas, I’m still feeling disturbed by how unloved the trees seem to be, and how it’s sometimes hard to feel their presence even though there are so many of them. It’s […]
Starting to explore textures today. It’s also been howling gales outside – can you tell?
Our regular selection of shows to see around the UK, including Emily Speed’s video work at Tate St Ives, Jerwood Makers Open at Manchester Art Gallery, and Alex Crocker’s large scale paintings and works on paper at TACO!, London.
Blog about a series of new work I am creating exploring the five Platonic solids through sculpture and associated therapeutic sounds, creating sound installations designed for welbeing and holistic engagement.
The first 30 Paintings in 30 Days challenge of 2020 is here and these are my paintings for days one and two. I’m trying something different this month and am aiming to develop my abstract painting skills with a palette […]
The Lines Between Us The connected conversations that rely on timelessness, by which I mean no interruptions, no deadlines, no need to be elsewhere unless hunger or sleep call. I yearn for those conversations that rattle along easily with the […]