Page 2876 – a-n The Artists Information Company

Come into the garden Maude


Conversations in art and science

Published by the Wellcome Trust

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Dreamland Waltzer
Resource Archive Feature

Seaside special

Mark Gubb visits Thanet in Kent to meet artists and hear about the cultural revival underway.

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Parasite (detail)
Resource Archive Feature

The new territory

Jeremy Akerman talks to curator Jeremy Millar and artists Annelies Oberdanner and Tariq Alvi and asks what curators and artists want from each other.

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Coloured plastic coasters
Resource Archive Feature

Design for life

Lucy Wilson profiles the work of design curator Rachael Barraclough, the fourth article of the ‘Crossing over’ series.

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Research Cultural value

Capturing cultural value – how culture has become a tool of government policy

In June 2004, Tessa Jowell, then Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, published a personal essay called Government and the Value of Culture, in which she asked, ‘How, in going beyond targets, can we best capture the value of culture?’ This document responds to Jowell’s essay, proposing a wholesale reshaping of the public funding of culture.

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Pavement Astronomer
Resource Archive News archive

Scotland events

The programme of artists’ events in Scotland is kicking off in Aberdeen in January with an event in partnership with Limousine Bull. Exploring artists’ opportunities and strategies for crossing over between areas of practice the event will feature artists’ presentations […]

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Bata-ville production still
Resource Archive News archive

Public commissions

Greyworld’s Bins and Benches hi-tech artwork has been selected for permanent installation at The Junction. Other artists short-listed were Robin Blackledge, Susan Collins, Dalziel and Scullion, Clive Gillman and Mark Goulthorpe. In Greyworld’s vision, intelligent bins and benches roam the […]

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Resource Archive News archive

Code of Practice events

The programme of presentations and seminars to promote application of our new Code of Practice for the Visual Arts is rolling out across the UK over coming months. Dates have been set for events in partnership with Artquest, Artsadmin, Site […]

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Resource Archive News archive

North East events

In December Taslim Martin and Dale Devereux Barker shared their experiences of working in both commercial and public sectors with artists in Hexham. Both artists have recently completed new public art works Dale as a result of workshops with the […]

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Resource Archive News archive

Info packs

We’ve been working on a series of information packs highlighting a-n’s activities and editorial content, ideal for use as supporting material at conferences, artists events and seminars. Material includes: information sheets on professional practice, artists’ collaborations and public art […]

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Resource Archive News archive

Action research

A new project developed by Engage has been designed to improve participation in art galleries by young people. Initially devised to promote good practice with ‘at risk’ young people, research and consultation revealed that a more holistic and integrated approach […]

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Resource Archive News archive

Fashion award

Cordaelia Craine, who moulds soft leather to produce fashion showpieces, has won a Queen Elizabeth Scholarship worth £3,750. This will enable her to go to Spain and Italy to study the ancient leather moulding techniques still in use today. Queen […]

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Resource Archive News archive

Gasworks upgrade

London-based Gasworks Gallery has temporarily closed as the first stage in an extensive refurbishment of the building. This will see redevelopment of the ground floor and entrance to include disabled access, a public reading area, an information space, improved workspace […]

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Don't miss a sec
Resource Archive News archive

Close to art

A new public sculpture by Monica Bonvicini mounted at London Institute is designed to question just how close can you get to art. Don’t miss a sec incorporates a cube structure made of one-way glass and a fully-functional prison toilet. […]

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Resource Archive News archive

On the wall

Fresh Art 2004, as advertised in the November issue, is now being replaced by a new show entitled On the wall, which will see a more inclusive selection strategy and a broader cross section of artworks. Artists participating will receive […]

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