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Resource Archive News archive

Name change

Axis launched its new name and a portfolio of new ventures in May – the result of a strategic review of the organisation’s function and future directions. Under the corporate name of Visual Associations, this information resource will offer two […]

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stained glass screens at Charing Cross hospital
Resource Archive News archive

Panels meet

Kate Baden Fuller’s stained glass commission for the Outpatients area of London’s Charing Cross Hospital was unveiled in April. Comprising two screens, the work acts as an interface between the semi-public corridor area and the semi-private waiting area. “The theme […]

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Dahiet Al Bareed
Resource Archive News archive

Beck’s call

Hailed as one of the country’s premier art prizes, ‘Beck’s Futures’ announced the outcome of the 2003 award in April. From a glittering shortlist, Rosalind Nashabishi was selected by curators Russell Ferguson, Maria Lind, Hans Ulrich Obrist and artist Michael […]

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working on a series of casts of pig's ovaries
Resource Archive News archive

Artists’ bursaries

The Arthouse has won funds from the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation for three years to award four bursaries each year to emerging artists. Arthouse creates opportunities for able-bodied and disabled artists to work together to develop their practice, and further funding […]

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Resource Archive Feature

Good practice

Lee Corner introduces the Code of Practice for the Visual Arts.

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Military road sign, Arizona Market
Resource Archive Feature

Road map

Dany Louise reports on the Urban Ecologies seminar in Liverpool, and highlights recent projects which have successfully engaged with urban issues whilst balancing artistic aims and community involvement.

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Resource Archive Discussion

Editorial – 2003 May

The bumper issue of [a-n] Magazine this month has a distinctly digital flavour with a critical overview of recent net art and a profile of evolving new media consortium SCAN that aims to promote emergent, collaborative and experimental practice. In […]

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Resource Profile

Graham Fagen

Lee Corner interviews Graham Fagen about his commission in Kosovo for the Imperial War Museum.

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Swan Turton
Resource Guide

Selecting a solicitor

If you need a solicitor, it is important to be able to identify the right one to handle your particular situation and to prepare adequately, in order to minimise your costs. This checklist by Sheena Etches and Nicholas Sharpe outlines how to go about selecting a solicitor.

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Swan Turton
Resource Guide

Licensing reproductions

This checklist by Sheena Etches and Nicholas Sharp is a tool to help understand the purpose and content of a reproduction licence.

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We Will Destroy You
Resource Archive Feature

Post cybernetic serendipity

Dion Ellis gives an overview of SCAN (Southern Collaborative Arts Network), an evolving consortium of ten independent arts organisations that aims to promote emergent, collaborative and experimental practice based around new media.

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Desert Rain
Resource Archive Feature

Reach for the stars

Jeni Walwin, investigates Blast Theory an innovative, yet pragmatic artist-led company that’s proving to be inspiration for many artists working in performance and new media.

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Great Wall of Lempa at Cyprus College of Art
Resource Archive Feature

Live in

John Cornall profiles the international art college.

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student sculpture workshop in the quadrangle of the College of Fine and Applied Art
Resource Archive Feature

Khartoum challenge

Ruth Claxton reports on her participation in a British Council funded workshop in Khartoum in October last year.

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1970s-Greeks in London
Resource Archive Discussion

House boxes

Phoenix Arts Association – a charitable organisation based in Brighton – provides studio space for over 100 artists and supports a gallery and education programme. It holds ten exhibitions a year, eight of which are selected from an open call. […]

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Resource Archive Discussion

Kelly Atkins

Kelly Atkins, Purse, green felt-backed carpet with neoprene inside. Kelly recently took part in the Crafts Council Next Move scheme – an individually tailored programme of mentoring and networking. Look out for more Crafts Council opportunities in future issues. a-n […]

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The Bakery of Secrets
Resource Archive Discussion

Rosie Leveton

Rosie Leveton, The Bakery of Secrets, baked sugar and abattoir knives (detail), 2002. Rosie is a recent recipient of the Mark Tanner Award. Worth £4,000 the award supports an artist for one year culminating in an exhibition at Standpoint Gallery. […]

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Hedgehog Erinaceus europaeus
Resource Profile

Martin Prothero

I work directly with wildlife and environments that surround me; my work comes from a place, rather than being about a place.

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Resource Profile

Binita Walia

I make site- and project-specific architectural glass that I prefer to create through close collaboration with architectural design teams and the community.

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Free Trade
Resource Archive Feature

Production values

Alicia Miller considers the relationship between artist and curator in collaborative projects.

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