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Mobile library (detail)
Resource Archive News archive

Moving commission

A partnership between Staffordshire County Council Arts Service and the Library Service resulted in the launch in February of a new state of the art mobile library with artist-designed exteriors. As a result of an open submission from West Midlands […]

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Bunny Lake Drive-In
Resource Archive News archive

Artists of promise

The shortlist for the AIB Prize, an annual award for ‘artists of promise’ in Ireland, was announced in February. The aim of the award is to identify Irish visual artists of outstanding promise and to assist them in launching their […]

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Bunny Lake Drive-In installation
Resource Archive News archive

Art extravaganza

ART SHEFFIELD 03 is the first citywide contemporary art event of its scale to take place in Sheffield. Running 29 March – 19 April, it will comprise a dazzling array of contemporary art events at the city’s major galleries and […]

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Resource Archive News archive

Grants live

Arts Council England (spot the subtle difference in the title) has recently launched its new unified grants scheme for England. This offers support for individuals, arts organisations, national touring and other people who use the arts in their work for […]

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Resource Archive Feature

Labour exchange

Janet Summerton reviews some recent research about the environment for artists and points to the need for more ‘hard facts’ and less rhetoric in today’s labour market.

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Resource Archive Feature


Sarah Bodman explores a selection of recent limited edition works that show a fluid crossover between artists’ books and multiples.

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Out of Blue
Resource Profile

Risky business

In 2001 Zarina Bhimji wrote in [a-n] MAGAZINE about preparing to make her first film. Out of Blue, created for and premiered at Documenta 11, is currently being shown at Tate Britain. Here, Manick Govinda describes how a series of timely awards gave Bhimji the freedom to develop new work.

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Racing queen
Resource Archive Feature

New eastenders

Recent developments at the APT studios and gallery at Creekside in Deptford are establishing it as one of the most exciting artists’ workspaces in London. And artist-run Temple Arts Group in Bethnal Green is establishing links between the London art community and residents in the East End.

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Resource Archive Feature

Down on the farm

Artist-run Temple Arts Group (TAG) is based in Bethnal Green, east London. The six members – James Dean, Samantha Denny, Helena Koumbouzis, Rebecca Odgers, Kate Williams and myself – are all practising artists from a variety of disciplines including sculpture, […]

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A street in Chelsea, New York
Resource Archive Feature

New York stories

New York is arguably the world’s art capital. In a special four-page focus Jessica Crombie looks into internships and Karen Guthrie investigates activity beyond the commercial gallery scene.

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Stacked Tonka trucks
Resource Archive Feature

New York stories

Down town Regardless of your artistic persuasion the New York art scene is probably the most seductive in the world, with the possibility of wealth and influence promised by the American art dream. As someone whose artistic and curatorial interests […]

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I'm... going to work
Resource Introduction

Working artists

Linda Ball explores how artists, makers and desgners can find work outside their artform.

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Bullet-scarred apartment building and shops in the Karte Char district of Kabul.
Resource Archive News archive

Photo finish

UK photographer Simon Norfolk is amongst the four finalists for this year’s Citibank Photography Prize. Jitka Hanzlova (Czech Republic/Germany), Bertien van Manen (Netherlands) and Juergen Teller (Germany/UK) were also selected from eighty nominations by Frits Gierstberg, (Netherlands Photo Institute), Paul […]

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Resource Archive News archive

Workshop reorganises

SSW (Scottish Sculpture Workshop) is an organisation that has always focused on artists and artistic processes. Located in rural north east Scotland it offers accommodation as well as workspace and has often been used by artists to pursue a period […]

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Assemblage of a Greenhouse, Around the Structure of a Tree
Resource Archive News archive

Shortlist Announced

The shortlist for this year’s Jerwood Sculpture Prize, worth £25,000 as a commission, reflects the independence of mind of artists who have graduated from art school within the last fifteen years. In keeping with the spirit of the competition, the […]

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Spare Time Job Centre
Resource Archive News archive

Gallery employment

Since 29 January, London’s Chisenhale Gallery has been transformed into a fully functioning employment agency, one that caters only for spare time positions. Ella Gibbs’ project is a new commission for Chisenhale and is based on a standard job centre, […]

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Spacecampaign 2001
Resource Archive Feature

Space campaigns and living work

Lars Bang Larsen’s discussion of visual art extends beyond new sites and contexts to ask questions of how art meets the idealogical spaces of politics and mass media – and how behaviour has become aesthetic.

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San Francisco
Resource Profile

Richard Wentworth

From his favourite café on the busy ‘Cally’ Road, London, Richard Wentworth takes Stéphanie Delcroix safely on his journey to the other side of the street.

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Sonic Armchair plays Drop Time
Resource Archive Feature

No fixed abode

Now in its third year, Art At The Centre enlists artists to work within city-centre developments, Rosemary Shirley investigates.

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Resource Archive Discussion

Anecdotal Cardiff

Anecdotal Cardiff is an artist-initiated project produced in collaboration with Artworks Wales under the Good Ideas residency scheme. The project brief invited artists to construct and set-up their own residency with a host organisation before approaching Artworks Wales for up […]

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Resource Profile

Greg Palmer

In 1999 after living in London for twelve years my family and I moved to Portsmouth.

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Resource Profile

Bernd Behr

The project I am currently working on is filmed in one of the BBC’s open-plan offices, an indirect result of the exposure involved in participating in ‘Beck’s Futures’ this year.

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screen-printed glass light box

Get Fresh

Devon Guild of Craftsmen, Riverside Mill, Bovey Tracey
25 January – 5 March

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