Page 2889 – a-n The Artists Information Company

Eight-fifty light
Resource Introduction

Artists’ product

Hilary Williams talks to four artists about how they have developed specific products. She learns about their initial motivation and inspiration, how they developed their ideas into production and what marketing strategies they employed for these particular products.

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#102 propagation project petals
Resource Profile

Junko Mori

Despite graduating just two-and-a-half years ago, it is incredible how much metalsmith Junko Mori has managed to achieve in terms of reaching different markets and raising the profile for her work. In some ways she appears to be the very […]

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Resource Guide


As a UK artist you automatically hold copyright in your original works of art. This guide introduces the basic concepts of copyright law and offers practical advice on protecting your work against possible infringement.

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Resource Guide

Safe working practice

Whilst safe working practice is largely a matter of common sense, it is also a legal and professional issue. This guide by David Pope introduces the key legislation and offers practical advice on risk assessment.

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Resource Guide


Marice Cumber introduces key marketing concepts for artists and offers advice to help target your marketing effectively.

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Resource Guide

Setting up an event

A guide by Paul Stone on how to successfully plan, develop, manage and promote an artist-led event.

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Mapping Perception

Mapping Perception

Andrew Kötting is one of the UK’s most intriguing artists, and perhaps the only contemporary film-maker who could be said to have taken to heart the spirit of visionary curiosity and hybrid creativity exemplified by the late Derek Jarman. Formally […]

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Babel's Folly
Resource Archive Feature

Cultural condition

Illustrating the approach she brings to her new role at [a-n], Gillian Nicol highlights some of the challenges and opportunities for artists and their practice today, looking broadly at education and employment, status and lifestyle and the impact of widening access to technology.

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Picking Dandelions
Resource Profile

Katie Holten

Usually I’m on the move. I have a tendency to spend between two days and two weeks somewhere and then move on.

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From a performance of Offline
Resource Archive News archive

Offline on tour

The UK/German company Uninvited Guests has almost completed its tour with Offline, a unique brand of performance and multimedia work combining hi- and low-tech, the visceral and the virtual. Material for Offline was gathered by wandering the web as electronic […]

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Resource Archive News archive

All that clusters…

Located in a ‘cultural industries’ area ourselves for the past three years, we can confirm that the advantages – creative networking and exchange, vibrant working environment, immediate access to like-minded cultural specialists, mutual support in development, etc – are there […]

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I dreamt I was driving my car (country road 2002)
Resource Archive News archive

Barts art

A new commission from Julian Opie has launched redevelopment of the West Wing at Barts as a national Breast Care Centre of Excellence. Architects Greenhill Jenner’s proposal will create a contemporary, state-of-the-art medical facility with strong ‘patient appeal’ whilst celebrating […]

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Resource Archive News archive

New prize

Heralded as the north of England’s answer to the Turner Prize, the Comme ça Art Prize North aims to raise the profile of artists living and working beyond London. Worth £10,000 (against the Turner Prize of £20,000), the prize will […]

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Resource Archive News archive

Networking artists’ networks

An artists’ gathering will take place on 29/30 March in Manchester as part of a move by [a-n] THE ARTISTS INFORMATION COMPANY’s to support and enhance the networking of artists’ networks. This has been informed by recent surveys that have […]

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Resource Archive News archive

Light work

Photography, animation and video feature in an exhibition by emerging artists at London’s Pump House Gallery until 9 March. Recent Goldsmiths graduate Finnish artist Axel Antas seems to create something out of almost nothing. Dust, condensation, clouds and snow have […]

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Ice camera
Resource Archive Feature


Carolyn Black’s first time working away from her home and studio was a UNESCO funded residency in Java, Indonesia.

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In my mind
Resource Archive Feature

Spy catcher

Lucy Harrison gives an account of a collaborative project in Tallinn, Estonia.

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The Generosity Project: Frank
Resource Archive Feature

To give is to receive

Becky Shaw describes how she negotiated the difference between the expectations of her work and the reality of her practice when she received a prestigious international art prize.

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Meadow, Virginia
Resource Archive Feature

Fresh start

Paul Edwards describes how residencies provide him with the opportunity to concentrate wholly on his practice.

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Resource Archive Discussion


Stare is an interactive live art piece that seeks to redefine the rules of engagement between artist and audience. Concerned with the passive role of the art object, John Rogers attempts to reverse the balance by making unbroken eye contact […]

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