Page 289 – a-n The Artists Information Company

Blog Post

St. Ives Picture Frame

Delighted to be selected by Lion Picture Framing Services one of the UK’s leading framing supplies to promote the St Ives frame. I love this moulding for its simplicity and contemporary appeal.

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Blog Post

Performing and Mood Enhancing

The next rehearsal evening was booked in for January 21st. But I’ve been feeling very “January”. I’ve been writing new lyrics, and I’ve been drawing. Over Christmas I was at home enjoying being with my family… and then once the […]

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Resource Guide

Quick guide to exhibition agreement

a-n/AIR’s Exhibition Payment Guide calls for written confirmation of exhibition and financial details in the form of a contract or letter of agreement. This quick guide offers 12 key points an agreement should cover.

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Resource Guide

Quick guide to negotiation

Negotiation is one of the four core principles of a-n/AIR’s Exhibition Payment Guide. This quick guide offers 10 tips for better negotiation.

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Resource Guide

Exhibition Payment: Paying Artists

Sectoral guidance and framework, produced by a-n and AIR as an outcome of the Paying Artists Campaign, providing specific advice on payments within the context of exhibitions or other visual arts presentation to the public.

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Blog Post

Angry Feminist Glasses

I’ve put my angry feminist glasses on and been holding off writing this blog post for a few weeks (weeks that may have turned into months). To be frank the podcast is going a lot slower than I had planned, […]

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Resource Guide

Exhibition contract checklist

A best practice reference guide to use when creating an agreement for a solo or group exhibition with a gallery or organisation presenting visual arts. You can also use the a-n Contracts Toolkit to build a contract to the specific exhibition context, and this checklist will support you with this.

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