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The Pilgrim Gallery in Bloomsbury, London has recently opened its doors to promote the work of both established and emerging artists. The inaugural exhibition features new paintings by William Dick. Dick based in London has developed a reputation over a […]

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Resource Archive News archive

Student commission

In May, second-year fine art students from Birmingham Institute of Art and Design (BIAD) competed for the opportunity to place new work in the new arts centre and café at St Martins Church in Birmingham’s Bull Ring. Due to open […]

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Resource Archive News archive

Art for health

Grab 5 is a healthy eating promotion aimed at tackling the key barriers to fruit and vegetable consumption – affordability, availability, and acceptability – for primary school children. Funded by the Community Fund and run by Sustain, the alliance for […]

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Project with market stall owners in Largo da Concordia
Resource Archive Feature


During a major art event it is standard practice for cultural spaces and the art market to take advantage of the international spotlight by producing parallel art events, and with the 25th São Paulo Bienal, Brazil is no exception. With this increased focus in mind, Louise Coysh reports from São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.

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The Frankenstein Project
Resource Archive Discussion

Pleasure beach

A major public artwork programme has evolved from Blackpool’s coast protection scheme, with a number of phases continuing until 2004. The coordination and selection process was undertaken by the Art Department based in Manchester with the main interest being for […]

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Resource Archive News archive

Creative Awards

The Ovation 2002 Awards for Yorkshire and Humberside were launched in May. Developed by the Creative Industries Development Agency (CIDA) they celebrate the outstanding creative achievements of individuals or creative businesses working with CIDA, each of whom has achieved significant […]

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The fascia of the Art Depot, the base for Chysalis Arts
Resource Archive News archive

Development supported

North Yorkshire-based Chrysalis Arts recently got a boost to its development programme from the Development Fund for Rural Renewal. A £219,500 grant will enable this public art and training organisation to expand its activities, including enhancement of its role as […]

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Resource Profile

Cornelia Parker

Simon Morrissey cuts to the chase with Cornelia Parker and finds out how she has fought commercial pressures to follow her own artistic agenda.

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Resource Archive Feature

Artists save the world?

“Imagine an ecological city, where communities are based on voluntary cooperation not competition, mutual aid not private profit, cultural diversity not globalised monoculture, permaculture not consumer culture”.1

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Resource Archive News archive

Part of the union

The notion of a Scottish Artists’ Union may have seemed a distant prospect when debated in May last year, but now it is well on the way to achieving success. With the central concern to operate as a truly ‘national’ […]

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Resource Archive News archive

Bubble a trouble

The time it can take to turn lively conference proceedings enjoyed by a limited number into a publication available to many more is exemplified by Out of the Bubble, recently launched. Based on an event of the same name held […]

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Resource Archive News archive

Artists endorsed

Good news for arts practitioners in England. On 19 March, the DCMC (Department for Culture, Media and Sport) launched its consultation document Culture and Creativity: the next ten years, outlining a raft of significant proposals affecting individual arts practitioners, arts […]

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Untitled (bamboo groves)
Resource Archive Feature

Raked gravel and bamboo groves

At the end of 99 I was awarded the Friends of the Royal Scottish Academy Artist’s Bursary that enabled me to undertake a month-long research visit to Japan. Japanese art has always fascinated me, and it has influenced my painting […]

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Land Mark - End
Resource Archive Feature


As a textile artist working with felt, I have had invitations to give workshops in Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Denmark, Norway and France, and my research of ethnographic felt has found me in extraordinary nomadic places, such as the Caucus […]

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Journey through space, (detail)
Resource Profile

Michaela Zimmer

My performances are not shown in public. I build objects that are not sculptures and I use photography for documentation without a second thought.

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Resource Archive News archive

Painter wins Beck’s prize

The £20,000 Beck’s Futures prize, that claims to represent the cutting edge of British art, has been won by painter Tim Stoner. His works are created through time-consuming process of colour-layering, building up oil and glaze onto linen to acheive […]

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Resource Archive News archive

Model studios

Two key factors come up in all surveys of artists’ studios – the need for security of tenure and for affordable rents. You don’t have to own your studio building to achieve these but it’s one way of securing them. […]

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Less is More Armchair =Table
Resource Archive News archive

Festival fever

The Japan 2001 Festival was launched nationally in May and runs through to March next year. Visual arts features highly, incorporating exhibitions, residencies and international exchanges. Shows include ‘Contemporary Japanese Ceramics’ at the V&A Museum until 27 August, the Mona-Ha […]

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Guest, PS
Resource Archive News archive

Pinhole wizard

Chris Bucklow’s new series of work Tetrarchs, along with his spectral Guest series from the early 90s convey his concern with the metaphysical possibilities of the photographic medium. His multiple approach to his subject matter, utilising photography, drawing and video, […]

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John Russell Kills Fabienne Aud
Resource Archive Feature

The Trade Apartment

Neil Zakiewicz plots the progress of The Trade Apartment’s ‘alternative’ activities.

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Iceberg 2001
Resource Archive Feature

Beyond borders

Working internationally, and how this informs an individual artist’s practice, need not only be about physical travel. Gavin Wade and Aleksandra Mir give personal assessments of their involvement in two different projects. Both projects are ongoing, constantly evolving, and involve a process of research and collaboration with individuals and organisations from different countries. The results of this methodology – the surrendering of a degree of individual authorship – influences the physical manifestation of each artist’s final work.

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The Forbidden Zone
Resource Archive Feature

Everyday people

On the West Coast of America, Harrell Fletcher is making history – not in the grandiose sense, but through an approach to art-making that brings out individual voices and stories.

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Resource Archive News archive

Times table

Ten years ago: The TWSA project which intended to create a new perception of possibilities for public art in four cities included work by Mona Hatoum. Vong Phaophanit, Richard Deacon, and Donald Rodney; The Spectator Painting Competition offered a £2,000 […]

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