Page 291 – a-n The Artists Information Company

40th Anniversary Feature

40 Years 40 Artists: the 1980s

Read the first 10 conversations in our 40 Years 40 Artists series of interviews with artists who feature in a-n’s archive.

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40th Anniversary Feature

40 Years 40 Artists: Anne Bean

Anne Bean recalls co-founding Bow Gamelan Ensemble and “resonant living and working situations” in 1980s Mexico and Poland.

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Blog Post


Today was the first Art Lab of 2020! We had 3 presentations already booked otherwise we would’ve moved to the new format which is 2 presentations and then a kind of ‘marketplace’ informal/unstructured show and tell where anyone can bring […]

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Blog Artist

a-n Documenta Bursary BLOG

A pint glass half full (or half empty) with (euro) “slummy”. As in – “This machine only takes coins. Got any (euro) slummy, mate…?”[1] Non-denominational; a stretched cling-film ceiling (or floor) between myself and you – “slummy”. Cling-film, a temporary […]

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Blog Post

Printmaking at home, pros and cons

Some time ago, during November, I tried making some prints at home, first making monoprints on a gelatin plate, then small screenprints. I had all the necessary tools and materials in a cupboard. The amazing thing was that it was […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Keeping It Going"

‘Keep faith in love, friendship and democracy & never surrender your human light to the darkness of demagogues.’ The above quote was taken from a new year’s tweet by the late Harry Leslie Smith, an activist for the poor and […]

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Blog Post

Working small

These days I mainly work small: restrictions of having to work in a chemo chair; working at home when the weather is miserable and I don’t want to risk catching a cold… But as well as these practical reasons working […]

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Blog Post


10 years ago. Still on with Blah Blah Blah. Installation at South Square Centre, Thornton, January 2010.

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Blog Post


I making a contribution to FLASK publication inviting people for conversations with their flask of favourite beverage. Conversations about flasks, art, life, etc. If you’re up for a chat (Huddersfield/surrounding areas) get in touch!

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