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Hakkim (Post)
Resource Archive Discussion

Saving faces

The paintings from my year-long residency at the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Unit at the Royal London Hospital are a visual record of the faces unveiled during surgery, and the resulting changes in the appearance of the sitters. They are […]

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Earthenware & saltglaze details
Resource Archive News archive

Shortlist announced

The line-up for the £15,000 Jerwood Applied Arts Prize, this year for ceramics, includes major names in the field alongside emerging talent. Work by Felicity Aylieff, Alison Britton, Lubna Chowdhary, Edwund de Waal, James Evans, Elizabeth Fritsch, Walter Keeler, Carol […]

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Resource Archive News archive

Arts plans under attack

The Arts Council of England’s plans to radically change the arts funding structure – outlined in last month’s issue – have had the brakes slammed on them by the regional arts boards. The proposal sought to merge ACE with the […]

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Resource Archive News archive

Web sales encouraged

A recent survey of the crafts sector by Craft Forum Wales found that 63% of makers had access to the internet and 16% were already using it to sell their work. This survey which was undertaken in order to measure […]

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Resource Archive News archive

Art mats

Beermats designed by five Derby artists were launched in May with a special Year of the Artist Ale. The limited-edition mats now available in bars, cafes, pubs and restaurants and in arts venues around the East Midlands region have been […]

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Resource Archive Feature

Vaulting the gap

Susannah Thompson discusses ‘Vault 2001’ and considers the implications of visual arts programming within a multi-disciplinary venue.

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Sycamore dish
Resource Archive Feature

Art of survival

Victoria Callen describes the pressures faced by rural crafts businesses and suggests key strategies for survival.

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Bird Lake Museum project
Resource Archive Feature

The Arts Catalyst

Nicola Triscott expands upon The Arts Catalyst’s mission to extend, promote and activate a fundamental shift in the dialogue between art and science and its perception by the public.

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Light Labs
Resource Archive Discussion

Research context

Zarina Bhimji and Nicola Percy were artists in residence at the National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) for thirty days, between September 2000 and January 2001. The NIMR, the largest institute of the Medical Research Council, is dedicated to biomedical research on a cellular level. The residency was research-based and each artist followed a different path.

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Whisky Wife
Resource Archive Discussion

A wee nip

Since graduating from Glasgow School of Art in 1992, I have pursued a parallel career as a practising artist producing work for exhibition and as a tutor. I am currently a part-time tutor at the Visual Arts Studio @ Tramway, […]

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Four ultra-violet reflective bangles
Resource Archive Discussion

Fantastic plastic

Since I can remember I have been fascinated by optical illusions. During my degree in three-dimensional design at the University of Central Lancashire, I researched into the work of Op artists such as Bridget Riley and Victor Vasserley. Using the […]

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Resource Archive Discussion


Throughout my work, I have used a range of materials, whilst trying to maintain their unique peculiarities and characteristics. In the last few years I have become increasingly interested in casting, and have experimented by pouring concrete into moulds, excavated […]

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Plate movement
Resource Archive Discussion

Plate movement

My Interest in movement in relation to natural change has led me on a personal quest into the exploration of changed states of matter: decay, disintegration, movement, relocation and reformation. My enquiry has enabled me to make links between the […]

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Celebrating Children's Ideas in the Year 2000
Resource Archive Discussion

Celebrating children’s ideas

In January 2000, all West Sussex schools were invited to participate in an art and design project in celebration of children’s ideas about their environment. The aim was to encourage four to sixteen-year-olds to contribute pen drawings, which showed their […]

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You're a little angel
Resource Archive Discussion

Participation & practice

In the November 1998 issue of [a-n] MAGAZINE, Corridor Arts advertised for a multi-media artist to work on a three-year project with a range of people to produce their own digital images and video art. The post was given to artist Helen Ward, who talks about this opportunity to combine both her participatory and commissioned work.

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Swansea Divisional Police headquarters
Resource Profile

Sonia Hawking

There is no doubt that glass changes the space that surrounds us every day.

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In conversation
Resource Profile

Beverley Hood

My work explores representations of physicality and the relationship between physical and virtual space.

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