Since I can remember I have been fascinated by optical illusions. During my degree in three-dimensional design at the University of Central Lancashire, I researched into the work of Op artists such as Bridget Riley and Victor Vasserley. Using the […]
Throughout my work, I have used a range of materials, whilst trying to maintain their unique peculiarities and characteristics. In the last few years I have become increasingly interested in casting, and have experimented by pouring concrete into moulds, excavated […]
My Interest in movement in relation to natural change has led me on a personal quest into the exploration of changed states of matter: decay, disintegration, movement, relocation and reformation. My enquiry has enabled me to make links between the […]
In January 2000, all West Sussex schools were invited to participate in an art and design project in celebration of children’s ideas about their environment. The aim was to encourage four to sixteen-year-olds to contribute pen drawings, which showed their […]
In the November 1998 issue of [a-n] MAGAZINE, Corridor Arts advertised for a multi-media artist to work on a three-year project with a range of people to produce their own digital images and video art. The post was given to artist Helen Ward, who talks about this opportunity to combine both her participatory and commissioned work.
There is no doubt that glass changes the space that surrounds us every day.
My work explores representations of physicality and the relationship between physical and virtual space.
ArtSway, Sway, Hampshire 17 March – 29 April
The Old Seager Distillery, Deptford, London 30 March – 1 April
Huntly, Aberdeenshire 29 March – 14 April
Turnpike Gallery, Leigh 24 February – 21 April
Artists’ open houses aren’t a new concept in Brighton. Originally started in the Fiveways district of the town some twenty years ago, during last year’s Brighton Festival there were over 100 open house exhibitions and studios to choose from. As […]
The winner of this year’s £30,000 Jerwood Painting Prize will be announced on 22 May. The 540 applicants from an open submission were whittled down to a short list of Peter Archer, Ian Davenport, Katie Pratt, Basil Beattie, Marta Marce […]
The outcomes of the Edward Marshall Trust and Earth Centre’s challenge to furniture makers – to design pieces that communicate sustainability and environment issues to the public in persuasive and striking ways – are visible at London’s Commonwealth Galleries in […]
If you were at Battersea Power Station on 25 March you may have stumbled into Ann-Marie LeQuesne’s 4th Annual Group Photograph. Friends, strangers, and colleagues invited to the location were encouraged to pose for the camera. Tying in nicely, the […]
This month sees the launch of, an artist-run fine art website, born out of the frustration of the commercial art world “where talent is often superseded by commercialism”. Its founder Caroline Jackman’s aim is to “take a proactive role […]
The fall-out from the Arts Council of England’s shock announcement in March to radically adjust the structure of the arts funding system is just now beginning to be felt. Regional arts boards and artists are amongst a gathering throng of […]
With a breadth of approaches to finding the perfect workspace, Brigid Howarth talks to artists about their different needs and experiences and explores a variety of studio set-ups.
The rise of independent artist-run spaces across the UK, and a seemingly impenetrable gallery circuit in London, appear poles apart. Gordon Dalton in Edinburgh and Tim Birch in Manchester visit two young, ‘commercially-minded’ spaces that have picked up on this, and are encouraging an art market in exciting and challenging contemporary work outside London.
Advice for photographic and digital image-makers on promoting your work in an expanding environment.
Wendy Murray gives the lowdown on support structures and organisations for artists in the Netherlands.
My third day spent scouring the electrical shops of Budapest for a fan had proved fruitless. I’d been having trouble sleeping – the heat and humidity even at night was intense. I’d paced the streets, taken long cold baths, even […]
Cape Town is enjoying a resurgence of activity in contemporary visual culture. In artworld terms, Johannesburg was always South Africa’s little New York, but many institutions now face closure and/or radical restructuring. Cape Town’s reputation as an anachronistic colonial stronghold […]
The second article on artists living and working in different cities across the world focuses on an enterprising development in Germany. With a base in Berlin, Kathrin Böhm and Stefan Saffer are developing projects that look at new collaborations between art and business. Working with leading companies such as Vodafone and Siemens, they are exploring the potential for building practical relationships based on common concerns.
My current projects are very diverse, allowing me to operate within dramatically different scales, concepts, sites and media. My career has involved solo shows at home and abroad, and commissions from art foundations, museums and corporate bodies to create installations […]