As a task following on from the first Writer Development Programme workshop at Coventry Artspace on 20 November 2019, each of the eight participants was asked to write a 1,000-word feature on the Coventry Biennial. The piece needed to include […]
Updates and writing from the 2019-20 a-n Writer Development Programme featuring eight a-n members.
Amazon Handmade is not going well, only an odd sale here and there. Their system isn’t conducive to originals because they give more weight in searches to things with lots of stock on hand. They do allow prints and I […]
a-n Mentoring Bursary 2019 has had me trace the many different routes I have made: never taking the short-cut but instead; always the scenic route towards building my identity as artist.
Contemporary landscape painting and paintings inspired by the expressive Welsh artist and painter Osian Gwent living and working in mid-Wales. More about this article at
over the course of my a-n blogging residency – (playing with words here) i’ve repeatedly returned to the internal notion i struggle to shake off = that i’m a fake artist. it’s not now this clear cut, i do have […]
A review of Shore by Emily Scarrott
Contemporary Welsh landscape artist Osian Gwent is a full-time professional artist based in mid-Wales. His expressive Welsh landscape paintings are sold around the world. More about this article
Knitwear designer, JimiKnits gives an update on the knitting pattern releases, book launch and upcoming shows.
An exhibition of paintings and stone lithographs
Jerwood Arts is seeking host organisations for the Weston Jerwood Creative Bursaries 2020-2022, its programme which supports those from socio-economic backgrounds who are currently under-represented across the arts to develop and thrive through paid fellowships with arts or cultural organisations.
Creating a publication from the collaborative research stage wasn’t a linear progression: we’d been thinking about format for a while and wanted to reflect the wider non-linear approach we’d taken. So we had a concept before the workshops, but only […]
Welsh artist Osian Gwent exhibits in the corridors of power. “Osian has an excellent selection of modern & contemporary artwork on show.” Russell George Assembly Member for Montgomeryshire For more information about this event please follow the link to
Expressive • Contemporary • Modern Art
This is one of a series of four 6-colour lino reduction prints based on walks in a park near me.
Our regular selection of shows to see around the UK, including an exploration of reductive and systems-based art in London, the deciphering of a forgotten photographic archive in Birkenhead, and an exhibition of paintings that take their time in Leeds.
I entered a bit of a time warp yesterday. It served as a timely reminder too. I took a table at the Festive Makers’ Market at General Office, alongside my fellow studio holder Louise Blakeway. It was a bit last […]
All I know is that this building feels sad. It sighs. Long sorrowful sighs that travel up and down the elevator shafts. The people who work here work hard long hours. They care. The building doesn’t seem to help. It’s […]
I have long thought I fared better under water than I do on land. I have used this blog in part to explore my connection with the sea. I hadn’t considered why these things might be, beyond a potentially deeply […]
This week’s selection includes exhibitions and events in Coventry, Bristol, Eastbourne and London – all taken from our busy Events section featuring events and shows posted by a-n members.
Yesterday Dwell Time interviewed one of our HOOT workshop participants Mary. We discussed in advance that she would talk to us about her bereavement of her son who “walked in front of a train 16 years ago” in her words. […]