ART.NUMBER 23 . Chapter 1 -
November 16, 2019 -
January 16, 2020 -
This week’s selection includes exhibitions in Glasgow, Leicester, London, Birmingham and Bristol – all taken from our busy Events section featuring events and shows posted by a-n members.
Hello, I am looking for a space to hold an exhibition of my new paintings and drawings in March 2020. Ideally during weekend 6-8th March in East London. Happy to be part of group show with other ladies taking part […]
Sabi Pas was the name of Fryn Tennyson Jesse and her husband Tottie’s French home. Sabi Pas is Provençal for I don’t know. I’ve been thinking and reading about this idea of not knowing for a while now — so […]
The second year of my masters course at UWE started in September and I’ve been continuing the work that I began during the summer in Italy. The current module, ‘Developing Practice’, is a time for experimentation and exploring new ways […]
Hello there, I’m currently doing some research around Postgraduate funding (loan, scholarship, grant, etc) for studying abroad – specifically Norway – however I’m finding hard to get beyond ‘top 5 ways to fund…’ websites and wondered if anyone had any […]
A bit more detail that could not be included in the live interview, due to time restrictions.
Venue 2 & 3 Aarhus Billedkunstcenter (AaBKC) / Aarhus Centre for Visual Art (AaBKC) Introduction to AaBKC and its residency programme with Kirstine Schiess Højmose, Director A bit about Aarhus Billedkunstcenter (AaBKC) (from their website) Aarhus Center for Visual Art (Aarhus […]
Venue 1 ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum Aros Allé 2, DK-8000 Aarhus C Introduction with Ole G. Jørgensen, Programme Manager for ARoS’ new international residency programme and New York-based artists in residence Flux Factory. A bit about ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum (from their […]
Venue 2 Sydhavn Station Artist run exhibition space Ernst Kapers Road 1, DK-2450 Copenhagen SV. A bit about Sydhavn Station (from my notes) All of the text on their website is in Danish so I haven’t copied the info into […]
Venue 1 ENTER ART FAIR Enter Art Fair, Refshaleøen, Sønderhoved Matrikel 416, DK 1432 Copenhagen K Introduction with Emil Lüth, VIP Relations Manager A bit about ENTER Art Fair (from their website) Our ambition: To meet the demand for a […]
Venue 2 CHART Art Fair Oslo Plads 1 – 2100, Copenhagen, Denmark Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art – CHART design fair venue Introduction with Iben Bach Elmstrøm, Curator of CHART Design A bit about CHART Design Fair (from their […]
Venue 1 Ta·da art space Ta·da, Fanøgade 36, 2100 København Ø Introduction with Anne-Louise Knudsen A bit about Ta·da art space (from their website) Ta·da is an artist-run space situated in a laundromat in Copenhagen, Denmark. The exhibitions mainly consist […]
Venue 5 Copenhagen Contemporary Curator Refshalevej 173A, DK-1432 København K Introduction with Jannie Haagemann, Head of Exhibitions, Senior A bit about Copenhagen Contemporary (from their website) Copenhagen Contemporary (CC) is Copenhagen’s international art center showing installation art created by world […]
New report highlights how visual artists continue to face barriers in order to fully monetise their practice.
Venue 4 OK Corral Rolighedsvej 9, DK – 1958 Frederiksberg Introduction with Johannes Sivertsen A bit about OK Corral (from their website) After three successful years at Carlsberg-byen, Ok Corral has relocated to a large backyard basement on Rolighedsvej 9 […]
Venue 3 Vermilion Sands Tagensvej 85, kld., 2200 Copenhagen N, Denmark Introduction with Kevin Malcolm A bit about Vermilion Sands (from their website) Located in Copenhagen, Vermilion Sands is an exhibition space for local and international contemporary art with an […]
Venue 2 Kunstscenen outdoor exhibition space Tagensvej 147, 2400 København Introduction with Magnus Thorø Clausen A bit about Kunstscenen (from their website) Please note: Kunstscenen.xyz is currently closed Kunstscenen is an outdoor exhibition space by Magnus Thorø Clausen and Kåre […]
Venue 1 Art Hub Copenhagen Art Hub Copenhagen, Halmtorvet 27, 1700 KBH V Introduction with Helga Just Christoffersen, Executive Director Three artists in residence Alexandra Hunts (NL/UA), Nina Nowak (DE/PL) and Rasmus Røhling (DK) A bit about Art Hub […]
I recently had an exhibition at an arts centre which went well. However upon taking down the work i noticed one of my paintings had red paint splatted across it and the wall below. The venue were very apologetic and […]
A blog about the 2019 Artists’ International Delegation 2019 to Denmark with 7 other NW England-based Artists. The delegation is part of an ongoing partnership programme between a-n and Manchester-based Castlefield Gallery to support artists’ professional practice.