Page 311 – a-n The Artists Information Company

Blog Post

Drawing with movement

Drawing with movement was our second session and we introduced it by looking at artists that use bodily movement to create drawings.  A record of an artists physical action. Susan Morris’ ‘Plumbline drawing’, her flicks of graphite covered thread on […]

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Bus Lane Archaeology

A conversation about the exhibition with Nicole Mollett and the artists Sew N Sew, Mary Hearne and Jakub Rokita.

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Blog Post

Challenging the Inner Critic

To read this post visit: My monthly blog is now based on my website – come and check it out and sign up for free tips on ways to improve your life! And if you want to keep you […]

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Blog Post

crisp packets

As part of my process with discarded materials I consider how recyclable my work is. What if I make a site specific installation that is temporary. My work ‘Cairns’ will be made from discarded crisp packets. At this stage I […]

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Blog Post


This October saw me stage my ninth Perfume as Practice exhibition, which was held at Centrespace Gallery, Bristol and featured 18 perfumes, each a portrait of another artist and created using my well-established process that begins by asking artists the […]

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Blog Artist

Conversations with Aldershot

Can my socially engaged method of working usefully engage with my local community, artists and organisations?
Reflections on the RESEARCH part of my R&D project, funded by Arts Council England over 2019.

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Blog Post

Crowd funding Animate Arts Company is running a crowd funding campaign. This aims to get art/creativity embedded into school policy thinking. More than an art project once a year, but a programme to install art as much more than just valid, […]

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News News story

NOW SHOWING 317: The week’s top exhibitions

Our regular selection of shows to see around the UK, including Lindsay Seers’ immersive virtual reality exhibition at Fabrica, Brighton, Jasmina Cibic’s mural and film work at Cooper Gallery, Dundee, and Haroon Mirza’s collaborative work with Siobhan Coen at John Hansard Gallery, Southampton.

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Resource Guide

Artists’ manifestos: making change happen

Writing a manifesto was one of Dan Thompson’s first acts as an artist and he has since written several more including one about using empty shops, and The Paying Artists Manifesto for Artist-Led Work that showed how artists working with their own ecology, economy and excitement ‘make the world around them better’. He explores the history of artists’ manifestos and shares advice and tips on how to write your own.

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Work by Erna Elínbjörg Skúladóttir at European Ceramics in Context 2018, photography by Elaine Bolt
Blog Artist

Interviewing Sculptors

With funding from an A-N bursary I met and interviewed five sculptors working in the field of ceramics.

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Resource Profile

Alternative art education: Kirsty Ogg, New Contemporaries

In 2017, New Contemporaries, an annual exhibition of emerging artists from UK art schools, opened up its application to include artists from alternative learning programmes. Director Kirsty Ogg discusses this decision, the changing climate for emerging artists in the UK, and what artists really need to develop and challenge their practice. Interview by Michaela Nettell.

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