Fusion Arts Darkroom – Open for bookings!
FusionArts Darkroom -
September 24, 2019 at 06:00 PM -
South East England
Went swimming at Felixstowe where the sea was surprisingly and beautifully warm…. Finding ways to appease my frustration about not being able to move into my new studio yet. The council are taking forever to deliver the paperwork involved and […]
Blah Blah Blah
blah noun ˈblä Definition of blah (Entry 1 of 2) 1 or less commonly blah-blah ˈblä-ˌblä : silly or pretentious chatter or nonsense 2 blahs plural [ perhaps influenced in meaning by blasé ] : a feeling of boredom, lethargy, […]
An evening in Uppsala and an afternoon in Örebro have convinced me (not that I really needed convincing) that my future is in a city. At some point over the summer I started wondering if I should keep an eye […]
Misbehaving Bodies Jo Spence & Oreet Ashery at the Wellcome Trust I first became aware of Jo Spence’s work when a first year student in Nottingham. Having left London due to a chronic pain condition or two, I had […]
To read this post visit: https://www.dominiquedelight.co.uk/does-anyone-listen-to-you My monthly blog is now based on my website – come and check it out and sign up for free tips on ways to improve your life! And if you want to keep you […]
In July this year I visited the Hortus Botanicus and the Special Collections Library of the University of Leiden. I wanted to experience both the Hortus and the first catalogue of it in person. I am lucky because the […]
Hortus is a project which involves research into early practices of collecting and cataloguing as exemplified by the sixteenth century botanic gardens and libraries of Padua (IT) and Leiden (NL).
Curated by Nicolas Bourriaud, this year’s Istanbul Biennial is titled ‘The Seventh Continent’, in reference to the vast mound of plastic waste in the ocean, and asks us to think about the anthropocene, climate emergency, and the end of the world or the beginning of a new one. Helen Nisbet reports.
This week’s selection includes exhibitions in Wells, London and Rochester – all taken from our busy Events section featuring shows and events posted by a-n members.
A call for an artist on the board of every arts organisation.
Easter Wings by George Herbert Found this great example of metaphysical concrete poetry by George Herbert as I prepare for some work with artist Ashokkumar D Mistry in the 1620s House and Garden at Donnington Le Heath in North West […]