New Contemporaries Preview at Leeds Art Gallery I arrived in time for the speeches, looked around the show and talked to some colleagues/friends. We went for drinks after and talked about nepotism in the arts sector. Whilst these types of […]
Looking forward to undertaking professional development and mentoring with experts that will advance my arts practice to explore Virtual Reality (VR) as an art form, as opposed to using it as just an emerging technological tool. My proposed bursary activity […]
friday lunchtime and an opportunity to catch my breath after two highly charged weeks. throughout them i’ve received help, support and good vibes from sue ball, the museum of making’s arts and heritage producer. sue acts as a buffer zone […]
A programme of site-responsive artworks in the spaces of B-Wing, Shepton Prison
I’m three days in to a new drawing and I don’t like it. I used some green paint that is a weird texture… gritty but not in a good way, more in an accidentally got dropped in a gutter kind […]
This is a reflective moment in hindsight over 3 sessions of incremental steps. A kind of swell. In May I had my first mentoring session with Adrian Heathfield. Adrian has a drama background that has informed a move into […]
We prepare for our Fruit Routes ‘harvest’ changing of seasons call it Mabon if you like .. a few days later into Autumn perhaps.. we Will encode the path, our Fruit Route, in the minds and hearts of those that […]
As the marquees go up in the park, we take a look at some of the fairs, events and curated projects taking place this week in London and beyond, including a new Art on the Underground commission by Denzil Forrester, House of Voltaire’s latest pop-up space and the second iteration of the Coventry Biennial.
5 months has passed between the first blog post and this one, its an enormous amount of time and the project is progressing at snails pace. Its not for lack of attempting to work, and there has been a lot […]
This week sees the opening of my latest Perfume as Practice show, which will take place at Centrespace Gallery, Bristol from 4th – 9th October 2019. As ever, Perfume as Practice AW19 will look at the artistic potential of perfumery […]
The following images are taken during the exhibition Memory of Clothes at Worthing Museum from February till June 2019. The information below is copied from the gallery guide: Memory of Clothes was supported using public funding by the National Lottery […]
Ben Bridgens set me the task of creating bolted structures using a layer of thin veneer and a layer of fibre glass. This is the same combination as explored in previous experiments but this time no glue is used to […]
Why I applied for an AN bursary and how it is helping create a stepchange in my practice.