Dear Christine: Poetry Performances
Elysium Gallery -
October 19, 2019 at 07:00 PM -
Performing a Dorothy blog
I went to the Fourth World Congress of Psychogeography at the University of Huddersfield. Before it started I had a really interesting exchange with someone who used to be a carpenter by trade and lives down the road from the […]
Here’s what the notices for our Involuntary Mexico show about Involuntary México which opens tonight: Involuntary Mexico is part of the activities with which the Collective Transportation System Metro of Mexico City, celebrates its 50 years. The subway that encompasses […]
A monthly update of goings on from around the foundry in deepest darkest Dorset!
I just wanted to announce myself as a newbe on this site. I am a sculpture based in suffolk. I create birds and animals from recycled silverplate cutlery combining them with hardwoods and burrs as plinths. my work can be […]
A peer-led artist development programme working with an art-technologist — consisting of mentoring and training in the use of wearables to create immersive artworks.
This week’s selection includes exhibitions in Isleworth, London, Stratford-upon-Avon and Birmingham – all taken from our busy Events section featuring shows and events posted by a-n members.
I took part in a Collective North live chat today about action and activism today. I met (online) some really interesting practitioners and shared ideas and concerns. This online chat group is an interesting mode of dialogue in that threads […]
Lenny and I went to Dwell Time’s partner (Bibliotherapy) network meetings and found out loads of really relevant things that are happening (successful networking!) I was thinking in the meeting and afterwards about the nature of dialogue in collaboration (following […]
I’ve been thinking about the visual response I’m going to be giving to the Echoes of A Market and the relevance of dialogue. The dialogues that are recorded and happen in the space, the dialogue between the existing work and […]
After the Launch Event at Back Lane West and with the route clarified, and stops planned the next thing to do was get the Volvo and arrow to the starting point. Driving back to Northamptonshire from Cornwall was going to […]