Future of Arnolfini gallery secured with £1.8m investment from Arts Council England
Two years after losing its ACE National Portfolio Organisation status, the Bristol gallery has secured funding for its exhibition programme up to 2022.
Two years after losing its ACE National Portfolio Organisation status, the Bristol gallery has secured funding for its exhibition programme up to 2022.
Fleets of hurrying ruffles bustle and hustle up amongst those bleary-eyed greys. Temperatures rise with the increasing wind speed as the sun glows to fire up the crowds. The journey-focus gives way to heated passion as those plumes spread their […]
A leap on from my last posting back in January. Where to begin? The above, two titles of work made during a recent 4month residency at the Irish Museum of Modern Art. This a-n Mentoring Bursary was to help support […]
‘Why cardboard?’ It all began in 2011 when we discovered Kent’s industrial heritage. We were pitching to make a new piece of work for north Kent that took inspiration from its local heritage. We discovered that paper-making was once a […]
Last night, in the bar of a Premier Inn, in Devon, talking to two friends, I tried to understand why it bothers me so much that people ask me why I do not want to have children. I am 38, […]
Was so happy to get this photograph from the team installing our show ‘Involuntary México’ in Hidalgo Metro Station, México City, CDMX. The Show opens on Saturday 7th September and has over 900 pieces in it plus video installations featuring […]
Next week we are due to attend the Northern Community Rail Conference 2019 in Leeds. We’ve had to order a Dwell Time Issue 1 reprint to have at the conference as we’ve practically run out of copies! It’s due to […]
This year’s city-wide celebration of contemporary ceramic art features an expanded programme of exhibitions and increased prize money for its ‘Award’ competition for new and innovative work.
Involuntary México my show in México City with my long time friend and collaborator NYC based artist Millree Hughes opens on Saturday and I can’t be there. I’m gutted. It’s not down to the 12 hour flight but to the […]
Art Lab at Dean Clough returned after a break over August with a fantastic September line up of David Fennell-Roberts, Gill Crawshaw and our regular slide presentation Robert Donald. I asked everybody to briefly introduce themselves and then handed over […]
The post heart attack meanderings of an ordinary man in an extraordinary world.
‘But in the darkness of the night, what haunts us are not broken systems but the faces of the broken girls. So, so many. All the time.’ Suzanne Moore, The Guardian, 2015 I looked back on my blog posts recently […]
It’s probably important to start this by giving some context to how this work came about. My practise has for a while explored elements of utopia, hope and childhood experience and this combined with the death of my Father caused […]
During the time working on the Souvenir box I had also found and bought a suitable Volvo (albeit a 430 mile drive away in Darlington) to use for the artwork. A lot of what follows in this post was occurring […]
Art exhibition about the decline of industry