Some time after my last post, together with producer Andrew Mitchelson who’s supporting me with this project, I’m slowly working my way through a list of people to approach. We’ve thought quite carefully about which galleries and venues feel right […]
This week’s selection includes exhibitions and events in Arundel, Norwich, Felixstowe, Lancaster and Newcastle upon Tyne – all taken from our busy Events section featuring shows and events posted by a-n members.
As mentioned in the previous post, I wasn’t really sure what to expect from Collemacchia and tried to refrain from researching too much before I arrived. One thing that I did find out about, prior to embarking on the residency, […]
To read this post visit: My monthly blog is now based on my website – come and check it out and sign up for free tips on ways to improve your life! And if you want to keep you […]
Dartmoor-based artists Tabatha Andrews and Tim Bolton will collaborate with former Jaeger seamstresses for their sculptural project Make It Up, which draws on the port city’s textile and naval history.
The perfect blend between materials and concept
My artist journey has changed BIG TIME!! Yes no longer do I figure things out, think obscure and whimsical things that not many can affiliate with, no longer do I make art just for the sake of making art. I […]
No writing today but lots of drawings. Here are a few: Preparation for covering the Ness of Brodgar site. First rolling tyres to the side of the trenches. Next piling up the sandbags. While some of the archaeologists do paperwork. […]
A description of my practice and my life The Road Not Taken BY ROBERT FROST Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as […]
An open letter from the Creative Industries Federation is calling on the government to address a crisis in creative education in English schools.
Today is the last day available for excavation and planning continues all over the site. My drawing is of a young archaeologist doing a carefully measured drawing and balancing on a single stone to avoid damaging the delicate floor surface. […]
The photo of my corner of the Art Hut represents half the artists’ space. Yesterday was Open Day and we had 100 visitors. As we can only fit in two or three people at one time, it was a busy […]
I will be presenting the findings of my research regarding care facilities and their creative programmes (or lack thereof) within the areas of Fylde, Wyre and Blackpool.
This week’s recommended shows include a survey of rave culture at the Saatchi Gallery, London, and a collection of ceramics at Manchester Craft and Design Centre marking the 200-year anniversary of the Peterloo Massacre.