Audiologist recommended googling “communication tactics” and here is one result: Communication strategies when talking to individuals with hearing loss Choose your environment Some environments are much easier for communication for people with hearing loss. Here are some things you […]
I’ve been thinking about absence or opposite of dialogue. Antonyms are: quiet; silence; monologue; soliloquy (talking to yourself). A dialogue that isn’t a dialogue is talking to someone who isn’t listening or present in the conversation. That dialogue would be […]
Last year and early this season I followed the history of Trench Y, which was meant to be a quick excavation to find the wall surrounding the Ness of Brodgar. They didn’t find the wall – just a few bits […]
For my next meeting, I got together with video curator and lecturer Sylvia Zhan. I last met her in Nanjing, China when she was there on a whistle-stop tour arranging an exhibition program. She is interesting for me to connect […]
Today the main trench is being cleaned in preparation for aerial images from the drone. Everyone is involved bringing a distinct change of mood and pace. There is a lot to do. Every weed and bit of green bloom that […]
This week’s recommended shows include Hungarian artist Dóra Maurer at Tate Modern, Mick Peter’s playful sculptural installation at Baltic, and at Firstsite in Colchester Mark Titchner’s posters developed with asylum seekers and refugees.
3 days passing though Njimegen and interrupted skies. Rivers, arteries and escape routes. Storms push me back and I remain on the outskirts. Storm No 1 pushes me against a tree. all I can feel is the rain interrupting the […]
I was asked by my previous University to write a short blurb about my time there studying for my Masters and send some photos for their Alumni feature. It’s a great opportunity to reflect on my time there and the […]
I took the kids to a lasercutting workshop at Bridge Rectifier in Hebden Bridge. They designed their own door plaque and learned about the lasercutting process. They had lots of questions and learned out lasercutting hands on through the making. […]
I had another doctors appointment today for an ongoing but undiagnosed issue. Doctors deal with the patient’s medical ailments and biology but they must do so primarily through dialogue with the patient. Their dialogue skills are highly trained. Listening to […]
I took the kids on a Pirate Day at Shibden Hall today which was part treasure hunt and part crafting activity. The facilitators were in costume and in pirate character for the treasure hunt. They took us for a short […]
We had a Dwell Time meeting today and discussed our plans for our September-December workshop programme. This idea development stage building ideas up through dialogue is one of the most rewarding and exciting parts of collaborations when anything is possible […]
Bursary schedule The aim of my proposed bursary activity was to research and develop making my work accessible to children by integrating Makaton language to communicate signs within the work. There were some changes to my original schedule due to […]
As I haven’t blogged regularly on a-n for ages perhaps an overall introduction to The Lost Library is in order? The Lost Library is a performance in which I change the experience of joining a library into a silent enrolment […]
Cause and Effect is at the half way point… and I am feeling relaxed… I’ve actually had a normal amount of sleep the last couple of nights! When I look around the gallery now, I do see a clean and […]