In 2024 a woman will make her first footprint on the Moon inspiring the lives of women all over the world. I have been planning for this day since 2012 through an ongoing art project called ‘Moon-shot: Woman on the Moon’ and outreach projects called ‘Make it to the Moon’.
today something has lifted – as i pressed send on the email enclosing the final invoice for a year long school project i realised i can stop. the head space that opened up was very very unexpected. we’ve a couple […]
In July I travelled to Collemacchia, a tiny village situated in the National Park of Abruzzo in the Molise region of Italy, to take part in an artist residency with The Museum of Loss and Renewal. I’ve never had the opportunity […]
Taking place at Bold Tendencies, London, the event will explore the break many women choose (or are forced to take) and how this can affect career trajectory.
No writing today as I spent most of the time on this small oil painting. It is of some unusual stones, which are due to be removed next week. Plus one drawing of work continuing around the drain. More tomorrow…
On first impressions the Archive / Collection of European Classical Music by Arne Dorumsgaard at The Norwegian Institute of Recorded Sound in Stavanger is static, silent and fixed. The wider collection at the Institute is added to over time with […]
Creative Scotland is running a £400,000 pilot programme to support five of Scotland’s artist-led spaces to explore the best ways to sustain artist-run and collectively organised activity. Glasgow-based artist and writer Jessica Ramm considers the questions that will be asked.
This week’s selection includes exhibitions in Skegness, Worthing, London, Rothesay on the Isle of Bute and Ginals in the Occitanie region of southern France – all taken from our busy Events section featuring shows and events posted by a-n members.
We are super excited to announce Dwell Time has been shortlisted for the Community Rail Awards 2019!We are in the 3b category: Community Art Schemes: Renewable and Smaller Projects – sponsored by Transport for Greater Manchester. Our partners Pensitone […]
One of the joys of a residency is sharing my work with the host organisation. For some time now it has felt like a very fruitful partnership with the archaeologists on the Ness of Brodgar. But on a more personal […]
Paintings showing scenes of a dystopian world, based upon urban and industrial places with subtle dark narratives running through them.
The point of this work is to explore what facial recognition technologies are and how they may affect our behaviour with regards to public gathering and protest. I have worked with six people who participated in public protest. A few […]
I’m been busy getting stuck in with the making of the placards. Tearing lightweight Japanese paper to size, prepping screens & ink, screen printing the multiple portraits (with George Barron, Double Elephant Print Workshop Screen Tech/Tutor), composing and gluing the […]
Later this week I’ll be appearing at SpringBoard – an event run by MainSpring Arts near Brixton in London – an evening of neurodivergent performances. I’m preparing the kit and my costume in readiness. I’m collecting resonant, exciting or important […]