Sat having my breakfast, looking out at the garden… that middle distance staring thing… (it’s probably the new varifocals?) I’m having one of those self imposed pauses… I know that from about 12 today till the 19th, I will be […]
A giant etch-a-sketch, the beach is a perfect place for play. Everything will wash away and leave a new surface. I wrote “The tide will take me” in wet sand with a piece of dried cuttlefish and it began to […]
Landscape drawings cut into the ground expose the bedrock beneath. Here, in East Sussex, it is chalk. As with the sculptural forms of the cliffs just down the road, the brightness of the white and the contrast of the green […]
I continue to walk to the sea and stare. I was reminded last week how many of us are drawn to the edge. The precarious cliff face proved just too tempting for some as they stood at the top of […]
On Sunday morning we went to the most incredible place ever. Even thinking about it now lifts my soul. It’s called Hulme Community Garden Centre. I love every single square inch of that place, seriously. Just go have a look […]
Saturday morning kicked off at the Green Fish Resource Centre with the theme of Working From Within. This weekend would be about using ones own lived experience to inform ways of working. Fellow UNIONITES from the North West gave their […]
I’ve been looking forward to this third residency weekend for ages (I always do) – I’m surrounded by other passionate and HUGELY interesting people doing very insightful and inspiring things. This UNION programme has been absolutely brilliant so far, and […]
Work in progress, thoughts and documentation from a residency at The Institute of Recorded Sound in Stavanger, Norway. Hosted by ELEFANT and Curated Place. The collection of recorded music and associated items is one of the largest private collections of its kind in the world.
Wearing my researcher’s hat I am logging in spreadsheets all drawings, paintings and sounds, with cross referencing between visual and audio. Towards the end of last season it was suggested that I should also record the archaeological references to my […]
I’m super excited to be a An member again! I’m teaching metalworking and printmaking these days as well as creating festival decor and wearable art for performers. Looking forward to meeting some of you!
Artist and co-director of Salford-based organisation Paradise Works part of cohort to receive bespoke professional development opportunity that seeks to develop leaders from across a wide range of cultural disciplines and sectors.
This week’s selection includes exhibitions in Findhorn near Inverness, Glasgow, Newhaven, Stourbridge and Leeds – all taken from a-n’s busy Events section featuring shows and events posted by members.
the use of new technology and mixed-media in creating artefact to re-present the Light of the lights in the celestial world of Persian Iluuminataionism.
Today I have been contemplating timing in my relationship with archeology. Sometimes I’m in the right place at the right moment but unprepared. While at other times I am completely prepared but have to wait ages for the right moment. […]
Katrina Brown received an a-n Artist Bursary 2019 to pursue research for ‘tilt-rhythm-back’, a series of dances and drawings which has seen her collaborate with specialists in sound art and choreographical structuring. Richard Taylor finds out more about her work.
Nicola Naismith’s report, undertaken as part of her AHRC funded research supported by Gray’s School of Art, Robert Gordon University, is concerned with the issue of affective support that artists working in health care settings are currently able to access.
Dwell Time met with Northern and British Transport Police to discuss our plans for Issue 2 and to see where we could possibly link up. Northern were very impressed with Issue 1 and the response from staff especially. They said […]
A critical review of Stryx Gallery’s SOUP Pt V: BLENDER residency
written by Emily Scarrott
A critical review of Stryx Gallery’s SOUP Pt V: BLENDER residency
Final day of holiday today and back to work tomorrow. The (short) week ahead includes Dwell Time meetings, Resilience is Futile publication launch and a meeting/CPD session at Compass as well as some meetings with friends and family. Planned dialogues. […]
The Turner Prize winner and Royal Academian will help select three prize winners from 80 exhibiting artists, with the first prize offering a solo exhibition at Phoenix Gallery, Brighton.
Spent a little bit of holiday time arranging meetings with Northern and British Transport Police. Getting six busy people together in the same room at the same time sometimes seems impossible but we managed it for my first day back […]