As an freelance curator and archivist I collaborate with artists and artists estates working in a variety of disciplines – including music, performance and film from across the UK and Europe. If you are interested to find out more information […]
A personal response to Refugee Week, June 2019 … ‘Refugee Week takes place every year across the world in the week around World Refugee Day on the 20 June. In the UK, Refugee Week is a nationwide programme of arts, […]
Have any other artists had this experience? I am a member of Women’s Art Association, Wales. We regularly exhibit in a Local Authority owned Gallery.Our Terms & Conditions for exhibiting artist, re pricing of work, is: your price eg: £300 […]
Field research: PILGRIM Northumberland Coast 07/05/2019 – 20/05/2019 The unit spent 13 days investigating a stretch of the Northumberland coast between Berwick-upon-Tweed and Alnmouth. Unit moved through the area primarily by walking, with public transport (buses and trains) used to […]
As well as creating the taxonomy, finding and writing about the shards and sharing my process with others, there was one more process I was interested in exploring- working with a jeweller to turn the shards into wearable pieces. I […]
random title and it feels a little random to be writing. have been spending a lot of time in my head musing life the universe and everything and as already seen in many previous posts when i get this introverted […]
A blog to chart the progress of R&D for a new work, supported by an a-n bursary.
As a twenty-year-old working-class lad from Hull, I looked into a mirror in the back bedroom of my parent’s council house and drew myself (above). Capturing a moment in time with a simple pencil. It wasn’t bad. It showed some […]
Fri. 17 May Arrive at 8 pm as dusk settles over the small, neat and very new airport at Plovdiv, the air smells hot and a chain of mountains crouch in the distance. P. greets me, she is keen and […]
As July approaches, the 2019 degree shows season is drawing to a close. For our final selection of the year, we list shows opening in Norwich, Chichester and London.
Discover Who You Truly Are Through Creative Arts. Discover what makes you unique through your skills, your strengths & weaknesses to avoid the threats and act on opportunities to live a fulfiling and resilient lifestyle. Our Taster Sessions aim to […]
It’s over a month since the show was taken down, but presenting the ‘102 Pieces of Glass’ installation work as part of the ‘Neither Use nor Ornament’ (NUNO) exhibition has left me with lots to think about – and not […]
Japanese artist Genta Ishizuka wins the €50,000 prize while two UK-based artists receive special mentions.
Artist Jane Simpson, who runs Swansea gallery GS Artists, describes the challenge of maintaining relevance as an artist-led initiative and her optimism for the future. In a video interview recorded at a-n’s Assembly Swansea event in May 2019, which was programmed in collaboration with Simpson and explored the difficulties and advantages of running artist-led projects in the city.