alongside the practice based research, i’ve been attempting to broaden my understanding of the theoretical space i’m working in. finding this book feels so right as one of the contributors is max schleser, who i know as the […]
alongside the content creation, i’m also researching the user interface. this is currently happening as two lines of research the main interface how might the work be made more accessible. the accessibility considerations involve me adding additional code to hack […]
new areas of the site are still being opened up through the completion of more scaffold runs. recently i’ve been able to access the southern side of the sowter mill. the scaffolding facilitates both work on the roof and the […]
London-based artist Juliette Losq was chosen from a shortlist of 41 artists and designers, with prizes for second and best work by a student also awarded.
What a time to be alive, my friends! Shinichi Sawada Untitled (72), 2018. Photo by Ellie Walmsley, from The internet was not around when I was just a grubby urchin clambering through the rock pools of Hunstanton, […]
God this is a hard post to write, but I can’t put this off any more. Like so many people, I’m waking up to the vital task of being as rigorously plastic free as I can. I’ve been changing […]
This ongoing residency requires a long view. The film I’m composing is not a final outcome. It’s a good way of collating my findings but I need to think beyond its development to wherever the project takes me. So while […]
I gave them my labelled sample bags a couple of days ago, and they put them into concentrated acid to dissolve them. Now they are dissolved and ready to work on. We prepare three chromatography slides and add a drop […]
This week’s recommended shows include an education-themed exhibition of work by Scottish artist Ruth Ewan and Turner Prize-nominated Colombian artist Oscar Murillo at Yorkshire Sculpture Park, an Olafur Eliasson retrospective at Tate Modern, and the European premiere of a new multi-screen film installation by John Akomfrah at Baltic, Gateshead.
I went to see the amazing Hollie McNish last night, part of Hebden Bridge Arts Festival. I saw Hollie perform last year at Hope Baptist as a solo gig and last night she was joined by “Scottish writer and poet […]
I went to Mandy Barker‘s new show opening at Impressions Gallery yesterday. Mandy gave a talk about her work in the show and there was a Q&A with the audience as well. She used a microphone plus PA system and, […]
In these last 2 days, I return to solo drawing – through short detailed studies and experiments. Zooming in to get a better recording (note, video, image, physical trace) of the strategies and devices I am using and that keep […]
In these busy pre-exhibition weeks I have to remind myself that time away from the studio is still time well spent. I find myself harking back to the time when it actually dawned on me like a really obvious truth… […]
I’m a trustee on the board of Grow Big early years charity and we went out for a meal on Thursday. I had a great chat with one of our team about performing and delivering workshops for children. The performance […]
I spent the evening in A&E on Wednesday night and have been reflecting on the difference between medical and art dialogue/terminology/jargon. There is certainly a parallel between the shorthand type of dialogue exchanged between medical teams and artists/practitioners and how […]
I don’t think this is a digression, this interest in what the items are made of. It is linked to the idea about everything we have being made of other things. And those things all come from the earth, either […]